Chapter Six: Out.

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Chapter Six: Out.

After coaching me in the rooftop for almost two hours, Jake walked me to my dormitory. He wanted to know where I actually lived. We crossed the street and showed him the small alley that I walk through to my place. It's not actually a slum but it gets scary at night because the streets are really empty and sometimes you see strange people just standing beside the lamppost just casually looking at the rooms. I feel safe whenever tenants from other dorms across mine would have a drinking session outside the streets because they tend to help whenever they hear someone in distress. They always invite me to join but I would politely say no since I don't drink nor smoke.

"So this is where you live." He said. He looked around. I pointed at the building that looked like a prison because of all the barbwires surrounding it.

"They have security issues." He said. "What floor are you on?"

"Third floor, that room beside the last room over there."

"Are visitors allowed?" he asked.

"Yeah, why?" I asked. I was assuming he wanted to see my messy room. "Just so you know my room is messy." I said. He just giggled.

"Alright, so I'll see you tomorrow." He said. He waved goodbye and started walking. I went up to my room while watching Jake walking back towards the road. He turned around and waved at me. I waved back. "Take care!" I shouted. He gestured a thumbs up. I took a last glance before he disappears from my point of view. I looked down and smiled. Today was unexpected. Had that maintenance guy not come, we might have actually kissed or was there really something on my face that time? Is it safe to assume already that we have something special going on? Or am I the only one who feels this way? I'm really scared to ask him. I should just keep it to myself for now and see where this goes.

The next morning was Saturday. Jake called me so early in the morning that I startled and dropped my phone.

"He~~llo?" I said still groggy.

"Why are you still asleep? It's 10 in the morning. Get up, take a bath and see me at the mall in 30 minutes." Jake said and immediately hung up.

"Wai~~ what? Hello?" I only hear beeping sounds. I checked the time it was indeed 10 in the morning. I rushed to take a bath. I was having a hard time choosing what shirt I should wear. Fuck it. Whatever. I only had 10 minutes to get to the mall. I rode a public transport and it was really hot today. I was so fresh coming out of my dorm and now I feel fresh from the oven. I kept wiping my sweat.

I got in time inside the mall. I went to the restroom to fix myself because I felt sticky. I checked my phone hoping I'd get a text where we'll actually meet because I forgot to ask him since I was in a hurry. My phone vibrated, it was Jake calling.

"Your back is wet." He said on the other line. He's somewhere near me. I looked around and he was up at the second floor smiling. Wearing a plain white shirt, slim fit jeans and his sling bag.

"Uh, the Jeepney ride was unbearably hot." I said.

"I feel you. Come up here." He said. I took the escalator and he was leaning on the railings looking so damn hot. He pursed his lips looking at the ceiling.

"Hey." I poked his arm.

"I'm assuming you haven't eaten breakfast, so before we start our coaching session, let's eat breakfast." He said.

"You haven't eaten?"

"I have. I'm just coming with you to eat."

"Oh." I nodded.

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