Love Hurts Pt18/Ambreigns

Start from the beginning

A few months ago at the arena after work, Seth told them he had to stay and talk to Hunter, so Roman suggested they get take out and watch movies at the hotel. At first, Dean wasn't sure, but like usual he gave in and agreed. After leaving the arena they stopped and got dinner, before heading to the hotel. Dean was nervous as hell, this would be the first time since their date that they were alone together. The night had gone well, until Roman kissed him and instead of stopping it, Dean kissed him back.

Dean stopped it before things could go any further though, which caused them to fight. During the fight Roman accused Dean of not only leading him on, but of sleeping with Seth; both of which weren't true! Dean tried to walk away, but Roman stopped him and ended up hitting Dean. Roman begged Dean to forgive him and give him a second chance, Dean too tired to fight it anymore, gave up and let Roman back into his heart. Neither told Seth about the hit, only that they were giving their love another try and he was so happy for them. Since that night their relationship had been tense, Dean numb and not truly in it, but he faked it for Roman.

Dean tried to be happy with Roman and for the most part, their relationship was good and Roman stayed away from alcohol. Then there were times Roman was so hateful towards Dean; verbally and physically. Dean loved Roman, so he continued lying to Seth denying any trouble between him and Roman. Weeks ago he had almost been caught by Seth at the gym, when he saw a bruise on Dean's arm from Roman, but he lied and Seth dropped it.

Days ago the truth came out when Seth returned to their hotel room; Roman was still at the gym, Dean told Seth about being given a shot at the US Championship. He had only told him first because he was the first one back, as they hugged Roman returned and caught them. Roman pretended everything was okay, but after Seth left the room to go grab them coffee to celebrate, Roman began yelling at Dean over the hug and accused him of sleeping with Seth. When Dean denied it, Roman hit him and went to do it again, but was stopped by Seth.

Dean watched and listened to his brothers fighting and while they were distracted he snuck out unnoticed. He wandered around until he found another hotel and booked a room, after his brothers found him missing they called and texted him non-stop, but he ignored every one of them. He finally texted Seth and let him know he was alive and safe, he just needed time alone, after he was done he lay in bed and decided that even though he loved Roman; always would, he was done being a victim!

The next day, needing time off to figure things out in his head, he called Hunter and Stephanie, giving them a bullshit excuse and got a week off work. He then waited until he knew his brothers would be at the arena and snuck into the room to get all his things, he then headed back to the hotel and hid out there for the week. Dean returned to work and managed to fake his way through another show and continued avoiding Roman; he tried talking himself into speaking to Roman, but he'd chicken out every time. Finally, he was alone with Roman in their locker room and found the courage to tell him how he felt. He told him he'd always love him, but he was done being abused and broke up with him. Both men took the break up hard and Seth tried to be there for both his brothers; he was worried Roman would start drinking again.

Three months ago Dean's broken heart broke a little more, when he came back to their locker room one night before Raw and overheard his brothers talking. Dean listened as Roman spoke about some Spencer Gray guy that he had been seeing now for two months. Roman sounded so happy talking about Spencer and it killed Dean to hear it because he still loved Roman. He realized though after listening to Roman that the reason Roman said and did everything he has was because he didn't love Dean anymore!

He's only been seeing Spencer for two months, but he sounded happier with him, then he's been with Dean in years! When he rejoined his brothers Dean acted like he didn't know anything about Spencer. He had secretly decided that even though it killed him to do it, he had to let Roman go. He was done being a victim, he had made himself that promise and if that meant letting Roman go completely...then that was what he was going to do!

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