Aa...You Have An Ex? 013

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(Y/N) Pov:

"(Your Nickname) wake up~" I heard someone shout. I slowly opened my eyes to see Nong Nong. "You're finally awake" "(Your Nickname) I thought you were gonna sleep forever." I looked around to see the secret bookshelf door closed.

"Is there school today?"

"There's school today (Your Nickname)and I'm coming with you." "But I don't have the same classes with you though." "And we're gonna be late if you don't get yourself off of the floor and get dressed already."

"Um...Leave the room so I change."

"Oh alright, see you downstairs." "grandma made tea and your vegetable, meat free salad."

I got up from the floor and gently pushed Nong Nong out of my room. I'll come back from school and head straight into that room. Maybe there's something, maybe grandma is hiding something from me. I changed into a new set of clothes. I was in a black bunny hoodie, black jeans, and mostly everything in the color black. My hair was down. I quickly walked downstairs and Nong Nong was already done with his food.

"Come here quickly and finish your breakfast, you don't wanna be late."

"I know," I said as I started to wash my hands then grabbing my bowl of salad.

"(Your Nickname), I sometimes wonder how in the world you can just survive on just what you eat." "You don't even dare to eat meat." "you're not gonna survive if you eat school lunch."

"What do you mean?"

"School lunch has meat, I mean everything in school lunch there has some type of meat."

"Let me finish my salad and drink some tea and we can go."

"I'll help you pack your stuff."

I nodded. First of all why the heck am I not freaking out that I'm in this strange part of the world, real human beings don't even know this stuff exist. Then I'm supposed to be like mostly immortal. Now I'm related to bunnies. Second of all things, why the heck am I attracted to Cai XuKun?

"You done (Your Nickname)," Nong Nong said.

"Yeah," I said as I placed the bowl on the table. "Let's go."

"(Your Nickname), I can take control over your body and make portals for you, so you can go to school faster," Xiao Tang said.

"Nong Nong, you can go to school without me."

"Why, I can fly you there if you don't wanna walk."

"Xiao Tang can help me."

"Who's Xiao Tang," he asked.

"My spirit animal's name."

"Oh ok, see you there then," he said as he headed out of the house and closed it shut.

"Xiao Tang, you can take control over my body while I'll try to get some sleep."

"Don't sleep too long, it doesn't really take that long to get there with portals."

"Oh ok."

~Time Skip~

"We're here," I heard Xiao Tang said. "You have control over your body now." "Just don't let Xiao Yu take over, cause that is the last thing you want to do," she said before cutting off.

Predator and the Prey (Cai XuKun x Reader)✓Where stories live. Discover now