Chapter 20: Taking Back What's Yours

Start from the beginning

Barbara: "Whew."

Jim: "Are you done?"

Barbara: "Yep, I am actually full."

Jim: "Ready to head over to the concert?"

Barbara: "As ready as I'll ever be."

Jim: "Alright. Let's get a move on." (Jim paid the check and left a tip, then he pushed Barbara's wheelchair outside towards the park around the corner. There were crowds of people in front of the stage cheering the new band on. There was a motorcycle parked on the side and it was Dinah sneaking backstage. Meanwhile, the band got up on stage and Claire was excited.)

Claire: "Hello, Gotham City! Are you ready to rock?!" (The crowd cheers and the drummer hits her drumsticks, then started playing the music. The whole band joins in and Claire begins to sing with autotone.)

Claire: (Singing) 🎵You are a dreamer when things are starting to crumble down. You're a believer and...🎶 (Suddenly, her autotone effect has been cut off and her real voice was heard and it was terrible. The crowd was grossed out by her horrible voice, even the band didn't like it. Barbara covered her ears because it sounded bad. The crowd was really disgusted.)

Person #1: "I've paid 50 bucks for this?"

Person #4: "You're lame, Glassbreaker!"

Group: "BOO!"

Person #5: "You stink!" (Claire was upset and stomped her foot on stage.)

Claire: "Well, you are all lame! Yeah, that's right! All of you!" (The crowd was offended and threw their cold drinks at her. A microphone squeaked and it was a voice that spoke.)

Woman: "Now, that's not a very nice way to treat my fans." (The woman walked on stage and it was Dinah. Everyone in the crowd went insanely wild that she came back.)

Claire: "Well, well, well. If isn't the screaming banshee girl."

Dinah: "Newsflash, it's Canary. I won't let you steal my band and my fans any longer, Glassbreaker. Your reign to stardom ends here."

Claire: "Is that so? Well, I challenge you to a guitar duel!" (The crowd gasped and said oooh. Dinah nodded.)

Dinah: "Alright. You're on. If you win, I'll let you keep my band and my fans and I'll no longer be in any band ever again, but if I get off my stage and never come back."

Claire: "Fine. You want to get destroyed by me? You're on. Byron, hit it!" (Byron hits her drumsticks.)

Byron: "1....2!" (Dinah looked sternly at Claire and she looked mean at her as well.)

Claire: "You're gonna wish you never stepped up to me. This band will be mine."

Dinah: "We'll see after I destroy you." (Claire scoffed and rolled her eyes.)

Byron: "1, 2! 1, 2, 3, 4!" (Byron hits the drums and Dinah and Claire were playing both their guitars with good sound. Ditto and Paloma were watching both rockstars compete. Dinah started shaking her head while playing her guitar and Claire was looking at Dinah and tried to match her skills. Dinah was playing the guitar with solos like this was a piece of cake and Claire was doing the same. A few minutes later, Dinah was playing the guitar behind her back and her hair was soaked with sweat. On the other hand, Claire was getting wore out and started to breathe heavy as she was covered with sweat. Claire's hands were about to give way and the crowd was murmuring of how good Dinah really was with an electric guitar. The crowd was getting excited. Byron hits the cymbals really hard and Dinah did an impressive solo as she slowly got down on her knees and leaned all the way to the floor with her black eyeshadow eyes shut tightly. She was shaking the guitar to make it have a really good sound and Byron ended the battle with the hit of the cymbals. Claire's guitar slowly dropped out of her hands and the crowd went crazily wild. Barbara was seriously impressed with Dinah's fine work with the guitar and she clapped. Jim did as well and Dinah got up from her knees even her band members cheered. Dinah then looked at Claire and she was devastated by her loss.)

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