01. 5,6,7, Pick up! Pick up! Pick up!

49 6 4

Like any other day, birds are chirping early in the morning. Adrianna lets out a frustrated sigh as sunlight streams through the tiny gap in the curtain and lands on the bed. She covered her head to keep the sun from seeing it.

The room's door opened. She can hear heavy footsteps stomping around. Though she makes an effort to ignore it, she hears a phone vibrating. However, it wasn't her phone, and she ignored it without hesitation this time.

"What?" A deep, deep voice snarled. The individual is irritated.


Adrianna opened her eyes wide at hearing a well-known voice.


She pinches her cheeks, believing herself to be dreaming, but as she feels pain, her eyes become horrified.

"Daniel, I swear if you won't shut the f**k up-"

She gently peered beneath the covers and met the famous jerk with the second name Casanova, her very own heartthrob. Cedric was The Wisdom Greenwald's bad boy. Cedric Haynes.


Her gaze settled on the strange surroundings, carefully taking in everything. The paint color in the room is white. A wall adorned with numerous awards and photographs. In the room's corner, next to the study table, is a wardrobe. which was organized beautifully. A picture of three children grinning at the camera is positioned in the center. But because of the distances, she was unable to identify who was inside. The space was brightened by the two sets of windows on either side. Apart from the partially open door, which she assumed to be the room door, there are two additional doors in the room. There was a PlayStation, and a guitar hanging close to the door. Compared to her room, this one is larger.

In the center of the room, a little distance from the bed area, are two couches and a television mounted on the wall. The surroundings nearly astounded her, but then she recalled something. She glances beneath the duvet to see if she's still wearing the same outfit.

She gasps in terror as she eventually looks up and looks Cedric in the eyes. With an eyebrow raised, he observed her physique as though she were a potential meal. He folded his arms and waited for her response. Her breathing tightened till it was difficult for her to breathe. She was scared since she couldn't recall anything that had happened or why she was in the bad boy's room at the school. 

He was about to move in closer proximity to the bed.

"AHHHHHHH..........."Cedric's gaze gets big. She screamed so loudly that it felt like the entire house began to shake.

"He-" In a panic, he took a step toward her in an attempt to soothe her, but she just started screaming louder.

"AHHHHHHGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He didn't waste any time and jumped on her, covering her mouth and landing on top of her.

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