You're my light, remember that. And I wouldn't dare put you out. I need you. I need you more than anything else. Don't ever go out on me, Sunshine.

So what if you're weak? So what if you screw up? So what if you're worthless? There's nothing wrong with being a wimp.

Well then, call me a Cheeto, because I'm a super cheesy guy!

You are my Sunshine, my only Sunshine~

Sweet dreams. I love you, baby.


Ladies can't resist me.

You're my Sunshine. Your problems are mine now and we can fix them together. We always will.

Yeah, I'll strip for you!

You're beautiful.


...You have no idea how turned on I am right now...

Sweaty hugs!

I'm so happy to have you in my life.


Let me go down your rabbit hole, Sunshine.

Promise that once this is all over that...that you will still be alive. Promise me that you'll make it and I'll do the same.

Marry me.

I'm a coward. But I'm not weak!

I can't break Ellie's and my promise! Our promise!

I love you, Sunshine.

Make it stop...




Yo, Sunny D!

Hey, Sunshine!

Oh, Sunshine~


I love you.


Love ya!

I love you so fucking much.

Love you, too.

I love you, Sunshine.

I love you, Elizabeth Umber.

I love you.

I love you!

I love you.

"I SAID STOP!!!!" I screamed. I clutched my head tightly; my knees buckling and my breath hitching. I shut my eyes and shook my head. None of that stuff matters. He's just a human. He's nothing! Nothing matters! He's just NOTHING! A piercing pain rattled through my chest and I clawed at where my heart was. I couldn't breathe. I choked on nothing. I couldn't hold up my own weight anymore and fell to my knees.

Images of people; friends, family.




My mother.

My real father.


Those are not my parents.

The memories kept coming, invading my mind and making me feel...something. They just wouldn't stop. All of the voices resonated throughout my head and their volume kept rising. Every memory. Young and old. Long and short. Beautiful and ugly. All of them just kept coming.

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