Carnivals and Tiggers | Tom Holland

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a/n: helllooo, hiii, okay this one is short...again. and im sorry if it sucks...hope you enjoy :)

second person's pov

The carnival was full of mingling people, music and lights and you felt quite relaxed. After days of stress, a time to enjoy yourself was great.

You were standing at a small stand, looking at the various stuffed toys displayed, thinking what would you take if you happen to win the game (ring toss). Your eyes landed at the corner and you saw a stuffed Tigger and you immediately brightened. You gestured for the person manning the stand, "Hey, could I get that Tigger one?"

He nodded, handing you five rings. "If you can land 3 of this rings on the bottles, it's all yours."

You tried to land the rings on the bottles, but alas only two rings went in. "Oh, come on."

When you were about to pay again for another round, a guy stood beside you, he too pointing at the stuffed Tigger. "How about I win it for you?"

You looked at him, confused as to why he's talking to you, let alone winning the toy for you. "Um..." You looked at the person manning the stand and he shrugged. "Okay?"

The guy beside you grinned, handing money to the stand guy. He took the money and handed him five rings.

To your amazement, he managed to land four rings. "Well, there you go, miss."

The person at the stand handed you the stuffed Tigger, smiling at you. You smiled back and turned to the guy who won the toy for you. "Um, thank you...?" You trailed off.

"Oh, it's Tom." He smiled, reaching his hand out for you to shake.

"Thank you, Tom." You said, shaking his hand. "I'm Y/N. You've got good aim, by the way."

He shrugged. "Nice to meet you, Y/N. Well, playing Spider-Man pays off well."

"'re the guy who played Spider-Man?" You asked, mouth agape. "I'm so sorry, I didn't recognise you."

He laughed. "It's okay. Happens sometimes, and at least the disguise works, right?"

You laughed, too, nodding your head. "Plus your accent is far from Spider-Man."

He laughed, again, "A lot of people are shocked to find out, too."

"Well, what brings you here, Tom?"

"Boredom. Plus, I'm sneeking out from management. The disguise isn't just for the fans." He shrugged.

You nodded. " can I repay you then? For winning me Tigger?"

He grinned, tapping his pointer finger at his chin, like he's thinking deep.

"How about, a cup of coffee?" He offered, looking hopeful.

You pursed your lips and furrowed your brows and thought about it. You were a bit reluctant, he's an actor, yes, a well known one, but you can't help but feel a bit sceptical, you only met the guy!

Oh, come on, Y/N. It's just coffee, he's not asking you to run away with him or marry him. Plus he won you Tigger. You thought to yourself.

You smiled, nodding. "Okay. Coffee sound great."

He smiled, sighing in relief. He pulled out his phone. "Here give me your number." He said. After exchanging numbers, he grinned. "I'll text you or call you."

You nodded, "Okay. See you soon, Tom."

"See you soon, Y/N. I'm looking forward for that coffee." He grinned.

You turned back, thinking if heading home, you smiled to yourself. You didn't think a day at the carnival will land you on a coffee date with an actor. At that moment, you haven't had the slightest idea that one coffee date would lead to many others and Tom would be your boyfriend and you haven't had the slightest idea that you'll be thanking your bad aim and Tigger for it.


a/n: tada! lol. so, hope you enjoyed that...hope it didn't suck (even if it did) so yeah...

do you want part 2? it's really not required...but if you want part 2 it will just show what happened at the coffee date...and some...depends, so comment if you guys want part 2!

till next update, tata
riah x

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