"We're just two ghosts," | Tom Holland

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a/n: shoot sorry guys for not updating for such a freaking long time..it's just school's being a proper bitch lol. not much of a good excuse but forgive me my gummy bears (ye over the course of time thinking for a proper idea for an imagine i also thought about what i'd call y'all lol) long a/n haha sorry enjoy :)

warning: sad imagine guys, like there's ANGST HERE

your pov

Same lips red, same eyes blue,
Same white shirt, couple more tattoos,
It's not you and it's not me.

I have no genuine idea what the hell is going on in the movie. At least, I don't. Tom seems really enjoying it, though.

If you are to look at us a couple years back, you'd be seeing a very different picture. I used to be always snuggled up next to him, with his arms around me, his hands occasionally playing with a strand of my hair.

But, now. Now, we're like two strangers living in the same roof. I was sitting at the other end of the couch while he's on the other side.

Oh, don't get me wrong, I still love him. I still find him very attractive and he's charms always holds me defenseless.

But, over the course of time, that we were always apart, times that I was never really there with him and he's never here for me, it just, I don't know kind of faded.

Tastes so sweet, looks so real,
Sounds like something that I used to feel,
But, I can't touch what I see.

"Tom?" I called. He looked at me and unlike any other day, the look he gives me was different. I can tell, for some reason.

"Yeah, babe?" I smiled, but I never really felt that tingle that I always feel whenever he calls me those pet names. Maybe, maybe I just missed it.

"Can I cuddle with you?" I asked, scooting a bit closer to him.

He smiled and nodded, opening up his arms for me to snuggle into. I scooted over to him, burying my head on his chest and inhaled his scent.

He smelled just the same, the smell that I fell in love with. Mint and aftershave. But, then again, I never really felt those tingles.

He looped his arms around me, his nose nuzzling to my hair. I used to love when he does that.

We're not who we used to be
We're not who we used to be
We're just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me
Trying to remember how it feels to have a heartbeat

Everything was different. Something changed between us and I want it to change back. But, I don't know how.

We're two different people now. I know he knows this too. I snuggled up to him closer as tears brimmed at my eyes. I just want to feel something again.

The fridge light washes this room white,
Moon dances over your good side,
This was all we used to need.

"You want some popcorn, Y/N?" He asked suddenly, I nodded and kept my head down. I don't want him seeing me cry.

He stood up and went to the kitchen. I hear the microwave beep as he started making the popcorn. "Tom." I called.

peter parker [imagines + one-shots]Where stories live. Discover now