Strange feelings?

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Dipper's POV

It's been awhile since that... encounter. God! I can't believe that Bill cipher is still alive, 


"How is he still alive!?" 

"Who's still alive dipper?" A voice said from behind me

Shit. I turned around and saw my Uncle Ford standing there, cup of coffee in hand. Oh God I said that out loud, ugh I'm such a dumbass 

"Oh just a character from a story that I'm, uh reading" I said 

Why didn't I tell him  truth?

 Ford nodded and walked away, I sighed and continued looking out the window. It was night, Bill's name kept running through my thoughts and everything it does my chest tightens and... and arghhh

"God damit!!" I screamed, frustrated at the fact that Bill is in mind and that he's all I've been thinking about

"Dipper!" Uncle Ford said running into the living room, oops. "Calm down, it's just a book!" He said to me

"S-Sorry" I said, he shook his head and left, probably thinks that I've gone crazy

Why have you come back Bill, what are you planning-

Oh God...there outside the window was a bright yellow glow behind some bushes. It was Bill. Although he wasn't floating, he was standing on the ground peeking behind the bushes. He looked right at me... kinda sad like and- NOPE! I'm not having it, I immediately walked away from the window.

Why can't I accept the fact that Bill is in my mind


If Bill is out there and I'm right here, can't he read my mind and all the thoughts I'm having? 


Oh no. Fuck! 

I ran upstairs. Get out of my mind you fucking demon!

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