Bill Cipher

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   The triangular shaped, one-eyes demon came out from behind the trees. His bright yellow glow illuminated the trees bark, just a bit. Dipper was wide-eyed and his heart skipped a beat, after all that has happened Bill was still alive?

Bill stared at dipper, "what's the matter pine tree," Bill said, he poked dipper with the end of his cane "cat got your tongue?" 

"Don't touch me!" Dipper said, pushing Cipher away. This didn't faze Bill at all, to Dipper Bill wanted something from him and to Bill...

He did want something

"Now now pine tree is that anyway to talk to-"

"An evil ass demon, uh yea!" Dipper said, Bill just rolled his eyes 

"Ugh don't give me attitude pine tree" Bill looked at Dipper, who was no longer standing in front of him...


Dipper POV

I ran as fast as I could back to the Mystery Shack and far away from that... that demon, but the forest was like an endless sea of fear. I stopped to see if he had followed me...clear I'm safe-

"You know pine tree, if your goal was to get away from me then you shouldn't have stopped running" 

Dipper slowly looked behind him 


No one's POV

There Bill, Bill fucking Cipher was in all his golden glory. Bill winked... or blinked at him? Whatever he did something with his eye, Dipper let out a heavy sigh. Bill chuckled at how, pathetic he was acting

"Listen pine tree, I need to ask you a favor" Bill said

Dipper looked at him "what!?"

"I need a place to stay" 

"Fuck no!" Dipper said, there was no way he was going to let that demon into the or even stay at house and he made it quite clear "why would I ever let you into our house, after everything you did to us!?" 

"Aww but pine treeeee, I'm weak" Bill said,

"Yeaaa, righttt" pine tre- I mean dipper said, he wasn't buying his excuse. Oh boy, Bill gave him his puppy dog eyes

"C'mon pine tree, just for a couple of days" Bill persisted, but dip wouldn't give in 

"Nope, not happening!" Dipper started to walk away from Bill 

"C'mon I'll do anything, just" 

Bill got in front of dipper, stopping him dead in his tracks

"Give me a home!"


"After what happened I became weak and now"


"I have nothing ok, I've hit rock bottom!" Dipper shook his head

"Not happening" he said. Bill stared blankly at him, he took off his hat and looked at it 

"Well, see you later..." Bill moved to the left out of dipper' s way. Dipper walked forward keeping an eye on Bill as he did so 

"Dipper" was  Bill said to him

Dipper finally made it back to the Mystery Shack, he was about to open the door. He looked behind to see if Bill was there 

He wasn't

Dipper let out a sigh of relief, but there was this feeling inside of him.

Was it wrong for him to say that he kinda felt bad?

Oh boy

Well what did you guys think? Tell me what you think so far  

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