14| T R I G G E R P O I N T

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I straightened out my black baby doll cut dress and sigh. I even was going as far as to wear Harry's favorite dress, he always loved the way the dress hugged my chest and showed off my legs due to it being very short.

I hoist myself up on the countertop and catch a glimpse at the window where I saw inside John and Elizabeth's house, my mind goes into a frenzy as I watch H terrorize everyone in the house. Their screams echo in my head and my heartbeat grows rapid as I watch blood coat over the window. I close my eyes and turn my head clenching my jaw as I look back and see no one was inside the house.

My mind hasn't been right since the murder but then again will it ever be after that?

How does someone carry on after witnessing and being an accessory to that? Was this my punishment?

A lifetime of nightmares that haunt me while I'm awake. My husband, forced to live alongside a monster that terrorizes and inflicts fear into the eyes of others.

"What are you doing playing Martha Stewart?" I hear H say, I turn my head to where he stands leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. I slid down from the counter and click my boot heels against the tile floor.

"You have to eat at some point, alcohol isn't doing much for your appetite so I thought I would make your favorite," I smile trying to put on the best act I could. H reeked of alcohol that was making me borderline nauseous the longer I lingered around him.

He brushes his hand against my hand and I resist pulling away. His touch was different, foreign from Harry's despite them being in the same body. "Look at you being a good little housewife,"

I pull away when the alarm on the oven goes off signaling that the food was ready. I bend over the oven and am met with H right behind me, his arms lace around my waist in a seductive manner.

Part of me begins to panic, the fear I had for him never went away but I tried my best to bury it, run away from it.

"I know what you are doing, and it's working," H breathes into my ear causing my heart to race. I try to even put my breathing, to stay cool. I couldn't have him knowing I was shaking under my skin with fear.

"And what am I doing?" I asked him wondering if he truly knew what my intentions were.

"This dress, the food, isn't it obvious?" He whispers into my ear while I hold the pan of hot enchiladas. I swallow hard but still manage to keep a calm outer appearance. I was play a role after all, this was the ultimate test of my acting abilities.

"You are trying to come onto me and I'm taking the bait," he breathes turning me around. I put the enchiladas down before he again twirls me around and grabs my jawline, pressing a kiss against my lips.

"H," I say to him as he begins to push me against the fridge, wildly kissing me. My heart feels like it's going to explode from the pent-up nervousness settled into my bones and bloodstream.

My mind spirals into flashbacks of when he had me pinned against the dining room table. When I was unable to meet his strength and he ripped my clothing off my body to expose me.

"H, stop," I tell him nudging him away with my eyes shot open.

"Your right I should save myself for dessert," he smirks sauntering away over to the food that creates a strong aroma. He licks his lips as he serves himself and makes his way over to the dining room table, I place I was no longer fond of.

"You know I was thinking, maybe we should get out and take a little weekend trip," I tell him while he hungrily forks his food.

"I'm not opposed to that, where to? Bora Bora? Vegas? LA?" He spouts off.

"Actually I was thinking we could go to Brooklyn and visit your dad," I tell him hoping I can trigger Harry through certain topics. Obviously the food and dress were failing miserably.

"Why would you want to go see that bastard?" He grunts looking at me as if I had said something completely out of line.

"He's been lonely ever since your mother died-"

"Don't ever talk about that bitch again!" H fired angrily, a quick trigger for him. Why did the topic of his mother set him on fire like that?

"What do you have against Anne? She's yours and Harry's mother-" I started but again he cuts me off sharply.

"Keep her name out of your mouth! She's not my mother and as far as I'm concerned she's no mother to Harry either," H spits, I can see the darkness radiating from his eyes that darken from the trigger point I had hit.

"Look I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you upset," I back peddle knowing I had royally messed up what I was trying to do. I was supposed to bring out Harry, not bring out H's dark side. I had already met him and I didn't ever want to have a reunion.

I decide to quickly change the topic to calm him down, he was escalated heavily by the thought of Anne and I needed him to come down.

"Do you remember the first time I wore this dress?" I ask him watching his muscles relax in the slightest of ways. "It was our first anniversary and you were so drunk you spilled tequila all over me! We ended up on a playground in Central Park, you pushed me on the swing and caught me on the slide," I tell him thinking of the fond memory that would forever be imprinted in my mind.

"You chased me and fell off the playground, we ended up laying there and watching the stars for hours even though I'm pretty sure you fell asleep," I giggled staring down at my wedding ring before looking up to see H was relaxed and calmed. He looks at me softly and I decide to go on.

"I don't even remember how we got home after that, all I remember is falling asleep and waking up in my bed the next morning smelling like hard liquor," I give him a little smile and see a brightness glow in his skin, was this working?

"I carried you home," he replied to me with a sweet smile that had become indelible in my head.

"I always liked to think that but realistically you would have drug me by my hand," I giggle joking lightly with H... or was this Harry? Had I pulled Harry out of the away?

"I remember realizing that we were probably in some homeless person home, so I picked you up and took you home," H jokes as I laugh along with him, the mood light and almost fluffy in a way. It was sweet like candy and I like the dark setting that had transpired a few minutes ago.

How could have H known about that night? I knew he lived in Harry's head but how would he have known that memory?

"Harry?" I ask softly.

"You know I saw what you tried to do Kitten, that dress, the food, brining up memories, I see what you are doing," my hopes crash and burn with the nickname H had bestowed upon me.

"What am I doing?" I ask trying to play stupid even though H knew my hand.

"Don't play dumb with me Kitten, I know what you are doing and I'm just letting you know that things don't work that way. I know you think you are smart but I will always be one step ahead and do you wanna know why?"


"Because I own the both of you."

N. H is one tricky bastard, also ideas on why he's so touchy when it comes to talking about his parents??

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