chapter 1

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My name is Ivy Edwards. I'm 16 years old, and I live with my mom, dad, older brother, and dog. We live in Tulsa, Oklahoma. We're a middle class family. Therefore, I'm not considered a Soc or a greaser. It's peaceful being in the middle.

I'm around 5'6" with blonde ombre hair. My hair is super thick and wavy. I have greyish blue eyes and I am pretty tan. I love to go out and tan with my friends, and you'll never see me looking pale. I'm not much of a girly girl, I'd rather be comfortable. My typical attire is a t-shirt with some denim shorts.

My mother's name is Anne, my father's name is John. My older brother's name is Dylan, and he's 17. My dog's name is Lilac and she's my best friend. She's a golden retriever.

I have three best friends. Kathrine, Peyton, and Sage. I've known them since second grade, and we've been best friends ever since.

I live about ten minutes away from the Southside and five minutes away from the Northside. We're right in the middle. I never really talk to any greasers or Socs, and they usually don't talk to me.

It's currently the night before my first day of school. I'm about to go into my junior year. I'm pretty excited, to be honest. I didn't mind school. Sure it's mostly boring, but I still get to see my friends and socialize.

I was picking out my outfit for the next day when my mom called me down for dinner.

"Coming!" I yelled.

I went downstairs and grabbed a plate of spaghetti that my mom had prepared. I sat down and the dinner table and started to eat.

"Are you guys excited for school tomorrow?" My dad asked.

"No." Dylan said.

"Kind of." I said.

"Glad to hear that, Ivy." My mom said.

We ate dinner and I went back up the stairs to finish picking my outfit. I knew I was going to wear denim shorts, because I always wore them. I wanted to dress up a little bit since it was the first day, I just didn't feel like it. I grabbed a white ribbed shirt and put it next to my denim shorts. I laid out a necklace and a few rings to go with it.

I took a shower, got ready for bed, and almost immediately fell asleep.


My alarm went of at 6:15. I groaned and turned it off, trying not to fall back asleep. I went into the bathroom and washed my face and brushed my teeth. I put on some simple makeup and changed into my outfit. I actually liked how I looked.

At 6:50, I went into the kitchen to make breakfast. I grabbed some oatmeal and sliced some bananas into it. I sat in the living room and watched Mickey while I ate.

Eventually, my brother came out.

"You ready?" He said, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah." I said, putting my dishes in the sink. My brother drove me to school. I would rather him not, but it wasn't like I was gonna walk. We sat in silence with the radio on.

"Where do you want me to drop you off?" He said, irritably.

"Just drop me off here." I said, and got out of the car. He was always such an asshole to me, even when I didn't do anything.

I closed the car door and headed to the cafeteria, which was where I told my friends I would meet them.

I walked in and saw Kathrine and Sage talking to each other.

"Hey guys!" I yelled and they ran over to me.

"Hey!" Sage said.

"Hey girl!" Kathrine said.

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