Tsundere : hey calm ur fucking ass bitch kotori is a whole fluff

urgayqueen : U better run Nico

Savage : You're dead.


cutiepie : Umi-chan

Savage : Yes Kotori?

cutiepie : Don't let blood on the carpet.

Imacatnya : LMAOOO

SpiritualLesbian : r we already planning the funeral

urgayqueen : whipped

Savage : what?

VirginAss : what the fuck there's someone in my fucking house rn

VirginAss : ohwhnd my fuckingnf godf Umiiiii is herw whshhbz

Savage changed their name to MasterUmi

MasterUmi changed VirginAss name's to Virgin Slut #1

MasterUmi changed urgayqueen name's to Gay Slut #2

Imacatnya : wait who gave you admin privileges

MasterUmi : I did take them from Honoslut phone after i pratically killed the virgin girl 

Gay Slut #2 : you also planned to kill me 

MasterUmi : try me bitch. call me again whipped and savage and you know what will happen to you :).


SpiritualLesbian : why didn't you killed the slut #1?

Virgin Slut #1 : wow that's rude

MasterUmi : she jumped out from her window and run away. I think she broke her leg

cutiebirb : she deserve it ♡ now come cuddle with me my platonic lover

MasterUmi : I'm coming ♡♡♡

Virgin Slut #1 : Urgh disgusting. you b**** my leg fucking hurt

MasterUmi : What are you trying to say motherfucker oh no I'm sorry you're virgin.

Elichigay : lol i love it

Imacatnya : slut #1 ur the only virgin in here lmao

IloveRice : obliviously

Virgin Slut #1 : hell no Maki-chan haven't had sex

Tsundere : .

Gay Slut #2 : what the fuck maki is not virgin?????

Imacatnya : well Kayo-cchi and me did it a few times with Maki

Tsundere : OMG SHUT UP

Elichigay : that's so fucking funny

IloveRice : we can do it again wherever you want ;)

SpiritualLesbian : What did you do to my child Rin? She once was a pure child

IloveRice : never coming back to being pure after doing it with Rin

Elichigay : omg my eyes-

SpiritualLesbian : you did wildest things Eli

Elichigay : well ur not wrong

Gay Slut #2 : omg my ship 

Imacatnya : RinPana is my #1 but u right NozoEli is still a good ship

IloveRice : what about a big fat no bby. I love our ship but NicoMaki is dat shit

Tsundere : why are y'all talking about boats? You bought boats and didn't tell me???

Imacatnya : is she dumb?

IloveRice : even I know what it means??

Tsundere : Is it like a boat war because I have a boat if it's it and I'm rich.

Imacatnya : I have 3 dollars.

IloveRice : ????

Imacatnya : nvm

Elichigay : NicoMaki sure is the ship

SpiritualLesbian: R u trying to fight me NozoEli is the best ship

Elichigay : Nozomi I love you but NicoMaki is better


Tsundere : nvm you're all the worst. 

Tsundere : btw where's that annoying ass

Elichigay : Nico? she's busy..

Tsundere : O-ok not like I care about it anyways

Group - nico have no boob

nozobOOb : Nico-cchi are you okay?

im(eli)chika : you know you can talk to us right?

nicHoE : I'm not fine. I mean she did it with someone else.

nozobOOb : omg she's really mad she's writing with maj.

im(eli)chika : Nico... I know you're mad and you have all the right to be but it's natural. Even if she's not a virgin she still can loves you as much as you love her.

nicHoE : I don't think she does.. but it's really hard to accept the fact that I'll never be her first.

nozobOOb : we're coming with ice cream and cuddles it's going to be alright we're here for you

nicHoE : I love you two so much.

im(eli)chika : we love you too ♡

maki<3 started a private chat with niconiichan

maki<3 : hey nico...

maki <3 : did i fuck up somewhere

maki<3 : why aren't you answering

maki<3 : PFFT it's not like i cared anyways

maki<3 : that's not what i meant actually...

niconiichan : Well you did 'fuck' up indeed. 

niconiichan : It's not your fault, it's mine to worry that much about something that isn't really serious.

maki<3 : if it's worrying you it is....

maki<3 : nevermind

niconiichan :  what do you mean?

maki<3 : i mean.... if it's worrying you i do mind about it...

niconiichan : maki-chan~

maki<3 : shut up...

niconiichan : but i asure you right now i feel better after talking to you

maki<3 : nico-chan... i really hope so...

maki<3 : but i'm so powerful i should be prescribed in drugstore

niconiichan : and we're back to step 1


omg that was weird i'm sorry to my parents to be such a sinful child

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