"Do you wont me to stay here?" 

three nods was all he got.

"I'll stay here then," he then sat down and leaned against the door, "I wont hurt you I swear."

They sat like that until the female twin  spoke, "Who are you?"

"My name is Naruto."

"Where are we Naruto-san?"

"We are in Kohana and Naruto is just fine."

"Why are you not attacking us?"

"I told you, I will not hurt you and I wont let anyone hurt you again."

"How did you know we were hurt?"

"You are covered in scares by them."

"How do you know about them?"

"Because, of this."

Naruto stood up and turned his back to them. They gasped. They saw the mark.

"You are like us," The male one said in disbelief, "You are number 21

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"You are like us," The male one said in disbelief, "You are number 21."

"Yes, I am and I will not let anyone harm you."

"So we can trust the people here than, right?" Asked the youngest.

"Yes and if they do anything that bothers you tell me, OK."

"Alright, we will," responded everyone.

"Good, would you like to live with me for know, so you don't have to stay here?"

"That would be nice."

"Then let's go," stated Naruto as he extended his hands to them. The female twin grabbed on hand while the younger grabbed the other. The male twin grabbed the younger's hand and they were off. 

As they walked out the door the guards stopped them.

"The Hokage must meet them before they go anywhere."

"Then tell her that Naruto has them," stated Naruto as he walked around the guard the kids in tow. As they walked down the hallway Naruto spoke up, "I forgot to ask you your names."

"I'm Emma, my twin is Thature, and the small one is Lilly," Responded the female twin.

"Alright then, look we are at the door."

They walked through the door and the siblings all hid behind Naruto, because all of Naruto's friends were there.

"Are those the kids?" Asked Sasuke.

"Yep, it's OK, they are my friends," replied Naruto then started to talk to the kids, "That is Sasuke, Sakura, Shino, Lee, Neji, Hinata, Shikamaru, Choji, Kiba, Tenten, Ino and the seneis Kakashi, Guy, Asuma, and Kurenai, everyone this is Emma, Thature, and Lilly."

Everyone said their hellos and started to talk. This all ended when Lilly yawned then the other two followed.

"Looks like I should get going so they don't fall asleep right here," stated Naruto as he made two more clones to carry the other two. As he was about to leave Sakura spoke up.

"Naruto what does this all mean for our team?"

"I don't know all I know is that everything's about to change." With that he took off leaving everyone to think about what he said and go home.

" With that he took off leaving everyone to think about what he said and go home

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