||Two|| The Journey

Start from the beginning

Jungkook smiled, she was something alright, but what was he supposed to tell her?

He's immortal and had no concept of aging whatsoever, but he knew that he was physically twenty-two.

"I'm twenty-two, and you're nineteen if I remember correctly?"

Y/n nodded at him distracted by the ginormous mountain range coming into their view.

A thick blanket of snow lay on the peak of the highest mountain, and Y/n hadn't packed nearly enough layers.

"How long will this take Jungkook? I'm worried about leaving my Grandad all alone to take care of the shop."

Jungkook admired the girl beside, she was gentle, and seemed to care about everyone and everything.

Did he mention that she was very beautiful?

Everything about her was breathtaking, the way her smile lit up a room, the little shadows her eyelashes cast on her cheeks, and the way her hair fell gently around her face and down her back.

The Demon King was evil, but that didn't mean he felt nothing.

He was immune to most physical pain, his magic enabled him to be the most powerful immortal in the universe.

However, everyone felt things in their hearts, and he was no exception.

"If we really push it we could be at the demon realm in two days time. It really depends on what happens along the way."

Thunder rumbled through the sky in the distance, sending a chill down Y/n's spine.

Lightning painted the sky with sharp bursts of light every few seconds.

A storm was brewing, just up ahead in the mountains.

Y/n gulped, storms were never her thing and she didn't have a proper coat to shield her from the ice cold winds.

"Jungkook, when do you think that the storm will hit? I don't have a warm coat, just a sweater and you don't look particularly equipped for arctic like weather."

The King flashed a look at his clothes, he forgot that he was just wearing a thin shirt.

It's not like it would bother him much, he wouldn't feel the cold, hell he wouldn't feel pain if he dived straight into an active volcano.

It was Y/n he was worried about, she would surely freeze to death in her leggings and jumper.

"I'm not sure. We could be lucky and just miss it, but I have a hunch that we're going to have to camp this one out. You have a tent right?"

Y/n checked her back frantically, sighing in relief once she found the tent.

"Perfect. We'll find a cave and settle there, a fire should keep us warm once night falls."

Jungkook and Y/n reached the foot of the mountain range, craning their heads upwards to get a glimpse of the summit.

It was a long trek up, not to mention a long trek down as well.

The Demon King {Jeon Jungkook}Where stories live. Discover now