Chapter 26

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You guys read and comment so fast I love it! Happy 4th of July for those in the U.S!


Emily’s POV

“What are you doing here?” I asked in shock, looking around to see if anyone was watching us.

“Well this is a local park Emily.” He chuckled, taking a seat next to me.

“Oh, right.” I blushed, looking away.

“But you didn’t answer my question. Why are you sad? Have you been crying?” He asked, a concerned look on his face.

“Oh, well, you know Dylan.” I said, laughing dryly.

“Dylan made you cry? What did he do?” David questioned further, his tone becoming harder.

“He was just being regular old Dylan, getting defensive and mean if you get anywhere near his actual thoughts or emotions.” I sighed.

“Well that is just unacceptable. A gorgeous girl like you should never cry because of some silly man. C’mon, you’re coming with me.” He announced, standing up abruptly and offering me his hand.

“What? Where?” I asked, though I let him take my hand and pull me to my feet.

“Well I believe this settles your little sneaking out issue right? We’re simply moving up the time of our date.” He explained, looping my arm through his and strolling towards the exit.

“A date? And when did we agree that it was a date?” I asked, smirking at him.

“Right now.” He grinned.

I knew it wasn’t right. I knew I should’ve said no and gone back to find Dylan but at that moment, I really didn’t give a damn about him, all I wanted to do was push him out of my mind so despite my better judgment, I didn’t argue with David about our ‘date’.

“So do you have something planned or are you completely winging this entire thing?” I asked once we were driving down the road.

“Tell me Emily, do I look like a man who just ‘wings it’?” He smirked, casting a glance over at me.

“It’s debatable.” I teased.

“Well we’ll see about that.” He huffed playfully.

“Ok wait, so I have a few questions for you mister.” I stated, turning to face him in my seat with my arms crossed.

“That does not look like a happy face.” He joked.

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