Chapter 17: Fireflies

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As the bus pulled into the huge parking lot outside of the Palm Hotel and Casino in Zootopia's Sahara Square, all Gazelle could do was stare straight up at the thousand-foot-tall palm-tree-shaped structure in awe.

The enormous building stretched up like a monolithic garden construct. Every cubbyhole lining the exterior, Gazelle could see, was a single balcony holding several famous-looking animals as they looked straight out over the skyline of Sahara Square. Up at the top was a cluster of large windows that, to Gazelle's trained eye, looked vaguely like a cluster of coconuts. The sand-colored exterior went along beautifully with the cool, silky green of the enormous fiberglass leaves up at the faraway top, which dappled the sun down in a pattern across the whole building lot. Waterfalls coming from what appeared to be a second level above the lobby fell down between the upward curves of a large crown-like façade, sending sparkling droplets of water falling all around the entrance. Fountains and palm trees added an air of luxury. The path leading up to the entrance was even flanked by banks of sand, adding to the desert resort feel of the whole building.

Around her, animals who obviously could afford living here walked about doing various things: texting/chatting on their phones, sipping expensive drinks, standing around talking, carrying suitcases, hauling luggage carts, etc., etc. They wore everything from tropical, floral-printed shirts to bathing suits to business suits, using the Palm for its many different leisure occupations. Its population was as diverse as the city of Zootopia itself.

As soon as the bus came to a stop, a young, skinny cheetah valet came bounding over to the bus doors, standing erect like a soldier as he held the doors open for Tru and Gazelle to exit through. His uniform was one of the deepest crimson and shiniest gold, the epaulets flopping down on both of his shoulders in a near-regal manner. The only thing Gazelle didn't quite think looked regal was the little cylindrical hat that was precariously balanced on his head.

"Hey, Vern!" Tru called out loudly, shaking paws with the young valet. "How's it been?"

The young cheetah, obviously a friend of Tru's, shook his paw in a so-so gesture. "It's still hot here," he joked, causing both of them to laugh. "Where to, bro?"

Tru made a gesture to somewhere far above them. "Top floor, one of the master suites," he explained, "Little Miss Star here gets the best."

Vern nodded as he headed over to the bus' cargo compartments, yelled for a co-worker named Charlie and began to unload the luggage onto a brass-coated luggage train.

With quivering, bouncy insides, Gazelle followed Tru through the doors of the Palm Hotel, not quite sure what to expect.

* * *

"OK, Gazelle," Tru said as they stepped out of the elevator, "keep your eyes shut."

Gazelle had been forced to keep her eyes shut for the entire time they had plodded through the lobby. She could tell there was a hubbub of activity inside the hotel just by hearing the various sounds of the lobby, from chattering animals to the serving of fancy drinks to an unflatteringly deaf animal working behind the counter. Yet through it all, she kept her eyes closed as they stepped into the elevator. She even kept them closed when she heard the music of Jerry Vole playing over the speakers inside.

From in front of her, she thought she heard a lock click and a heavy door open.

"OK, you're almost home free," Tru called from somewhere in the direction of the door. "Just follow the sound of my voice."

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