Promise. | [WashXReader!] (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

"Great Monopoly's top hat, Wash. Now is not the time for games! Now is the time for action! Come on, help me get out of these cuffs. There's a certain someone in this room that I feel like bludgening to death!" The supposed Sargent blabbered, continuing to point a finger towards you.

"And you, who the hell are you kid?" The red colored Sargent questioned menacingly.

"I'm not sure if I can answer that-"

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" The yellow and grey man, who you now came to know, wash, interrupted.

You looked around for Doyle.This is a good time for Doyle to come to your aid. A really good time. He was definitely wash.

You folded your arms, looking away and back. "I'm sorry, I don't think I know you." You lied to the oblivious solider.

"Oh, I'm sorry. You just have the same color preferences that one of my best friends used to have." The solemn person in the familiar armor apologized.

"Just use your feet, Sarge. If he fights back, I'll beat him off ya! And you, nice color combination!" The pink soldier complimented you.

"Oh, thank you." You replied.

"You're not thinking, Donut! That'll just alert more guards." The Sargent scolded.

"Well if I can't beat off a room full of dudes, then what have I been training for this whole time?"

"I would really like to play the quiet game, please." Wash pleaded, even though he knew it wasn't going to happen. He appeared to be in deep thought, head lowered and almost to no emotions in his voice.

What have you been through, Wash? You thought to yourself. Wash was never like this. He was always a curious angel, wanting to know more and participating in random conversations. He was usually the comic relief in the team, someone that everyone could pick on. Now, he seems so quiet and conserved.

"Officer on deck!" A fed solider shouted into the cellular, breaking you from your trance.

You turned to see your General entering with with a couple of feds behind him. You stand in attention, greeting your general.

"Sir, What a grand entrance you have there." You said, cracking a few smiles with the General and the other feds.

"Ah, [Y/N]," Well, there goes your name.

" i see that your warming up our guests?" Doyle asked curiously, peeping his head other to to the soldiers behind bars.

You looked back to the soldier and back to your General. Guest? There was no sarcasm in his voice, indicating that he was serious.  Your General just chucked and handcuffed his guests instead of giving them one of the unused bunk beds in the many inhabited rooms around the compound. You lifted one of your arms and held it against your forehead, refusing to believe your General's stupidity.

"Sir, please don't tell you you actually threw your prisoners in this cell."

"Agent Washington, Franklin Donut, Sarge. I... am so-oooh sorry!" Doyle said, coming into realization.

The "guests" paused, trying to comprehend what in the world was going on.

"Say what now?"

"Guard, uncuff these men at once! And return their weaponry, for God's sake!" Doyle instructed  the feds.

All you could do is to just to stand there, questioning so many things that is currently happening. You watched the feds following orders, one of them pleading Sarge to spare his life. They all looked up to the three man as Hope, alike you.

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