I'd like to say this again.

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Hello! Long time no see!

I'd like to say something that I'm pretty sure I said a while ago. Don't write about mental illness for entertainment. Don't write about bullying for entertainment. That is extraordinarily insensitive to those that have been bullied and suffer from mental illness. Instead of using these elements for drama, bring light to the fact that these things should not be happening.
This is inspired by Thirteen Reasons Why, which just came out yesterday on the same day the Santa Fe shooting in Texas had happened. It made me really upset how the show had ended, although they could have had no idea this would happen. I just wish for people not to use these situations for views. I wish for them to be talked about, not shown in possibly emotionally scarring ways.
So please. Think of what you put out there if you don't have any personal knowledge of it, because it's a sensitive topic. Thank you.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 19, 2018 ⏰

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