The Most Unfortunate.

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"I'm just the sister that gets no attention."

Okay, let's go to the Vampire Diaries with this.
Elena Gilbert. Her parents died. Usually people will make an original character that is her sister or brother, and they claim to get no attention because Elena is an attention hog.
I really hope you don't take this as a rant, because it's not supposed to be one.

Elena is really not a female dog, as most say.
Just because she gets attention, does not mean that she is always going to get it. So I recommend that you don't get your personal feelings about Elena disrupt the story and the character's personality.

Give your character some attention if you don't already.

It's just that every the vampire diaries fanfic has this moment where the character is just like-
"Oh yeah, they get so much attention and no one cares about me blah blah blah even though I have three best friends blah blah blah."

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