Chapter 3

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You had tried to keep your distance from Thorin as you were still embarrassed by the awkward situation with him. Meanwhile, you all came across a cave where the trolls must have been hiding during the day. As you followed the others into the cave, a terrible stench suffocated you. You rushed outside, gasping for breath and decided to wait outside.

After sometime, the others came out. You noticed Gandalf handing Bilbo a sword, very much his size.

"Something's coming!" Thorin shouted as you heard movement in the woods.

"Arm yourselves and stay together!" Gandalf added.

However, it was only a wizard, Radagast the Brown.


The company followed Gandalf as Radagast sought to distract the orc pack supposedly hunting you all. However, they caught up with you all and were now surrounded.

"Hold your ground!" Thorin shouted.

You shot a warg nearing you. As Ori was about to be overrun, you shot the warg after him and then its rider.

"This way you fools!" Gandalf called behind you.

You made a run towards Gandalf but then stopped to shoot an orc pacing towards Kili.

"Kili!" "Y/n!" you heard Thorin gruffly call. Kili ran and you followed him. He went in first while a strong pair of arms helped you slide down under the rocks into what seemed like a hidden entrance. Thorin then followed in after you.

Rivendell: You were awestruck to see this great city. A number of silver cascades adorned this great kingdom, a picture of ethereal beauty and magnificence. You were admiring this exquisite spectacle while Gandalf was talking to an elf. All of the Dwarves were ready to fight as you saw a number of horses and their riders approaching. Bilbo and you were pushed at the back.

"Lord Elrond," Gandalf greeted the one leading them. A very elegant and charming elf greeted him back, "Gandalf."

You all were introduced and this pleasant Lord was kind enough to offer you his hospitality.

Thorin excused himself from the company of Lord Elrond and Gandalf. He saw Bofur getting up and then singing. He laughed a little before he saw Y/n smiling at the same spectacle. The golden hue of the setting sun had lit her tresses; the dying rays gently stroking them.
He shook his head and headed away.

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