Chapter 2

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The trolls had got all of you and stuffed you inside bags. Half of the company was tied to a piece of wood and were being turned over the fire. While those terrible creatures argued over the ways of cooking you all, they spelt out that they would be turned to stone if the light of day would be upon them. To buy some time, Bilbo thought of engaging them in some conversation- about the secret to cooking Dwarves.

"The secret to cooking Dwarves is..... to skin them first!" he began.

All of the others roared in protest.

"Nonsense! I've eaten plenty with their skin on!" one said, picking up Bombur.

"No! That one's infected. He's got his tubes," Bilbo spoke as the troll threw Bombur in disgust.

"Infact, they're all infested with parasites!" he added.

Everyone protested again when Thorin nudged Kili. Then, they all said in a flurry, "I've got parasites as big as my arm!" "I've got lots of them! "

"I think this human here doesn't have'em," one remarked as you felt it grab you and swing you in the air above his mouth. As you struggled, Bilbo shouted, "She's actually got the biggest of them all! I wouldn't eat her if I were you!"

You grew cold as you were flung in the air. You came crashing on top of Thorin.

"Uh!" he grunted upon the impact.
"I'm sorry!" you yelled but received no reply.

This is when you felt his warm breath fanning your skin as his beard tickled you; his lips almost against your neck. Your face flashed a bright crimson as you tried to move away. He made no movements, only his breathing became more intense. You suddenly succeeded in moving away as you slumped and ended up on the ground.

"He's taking us for fools! You want us to let them go? I know what you're playing at you ferret!" one of the trolls snapped at Bilbo.

Suddenly, Gandalf appeared. "The dawn will take you all!" he shouted as he split a boulder to let the sunlight stream. The trolls turned to stone immediately. All of you heaved a sigh of relief. Gandalf started helping you all up. You threw a glance at Thorin and found him looking at you while moving towards Gandalf. You immediately stole away, very much conscious of your racing heart and burning cheeks.

"I guess you got pretty scared," Bilbo said as he helped you get out. "You're in an absolute flush."

You simply nodded.

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