chapter 9 meeting new people and shopping

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"Ok now that introductions have been made we need to pick up Ashes. She should be arriving off the airplane now." Tina said. "Um who is Ashes?" Katie said before I got the chance to. "She is my daughter. She's a very hyper and random girl that one is." Tina said with a smile. "You don't think she'll hate me right?" I asked a little offhandedly. "Nope she'll absolutely adore you. She loves anyone who is either becoming family or is already family. She puts everyone in a very good mood." Tina said reassuringly. "We are here madam." The driver said to Tina. "Ok let's go see if we can spot her out of the crowd." Tina said. "MUM!!!!!!!!!" I heard a girl yell or I suppose that would be Ashes. "YOU WOULD NOT BELIEVE WHAT I HAVE SEEN WHEN I WENT AROUND THE WORLD. ITS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Ashes continued to yell even when she was right next to Tina. "Darling we mustn't yell remember. We must have manners." Tina said while smiling at her daughter. Anyone could tell how much adoration that Tina held for her daughter. "Yes of course mother. So whats the big news that you couldn't tell me through text or anything like that?" Ashes asked excitedly as she got in the back with the rest of the people. She took one glance at me and squealed loudly. "Hi I'm Ashes. Its nice to meet such a pretty girl like you. I have a feeling you are my brother Jason's mate and that's probably the big news right mother?" She said extremely excited while hugging me. "Yes she is your brother's mate but that's not the big news. They are getting married on her 15th birthday. Which is in like two days if I am not mistaken. Her name is Kiera and her brother is Brian whom you've already met. Her best friend Katie is Brian's mate." Tina said informing her daughter of all that she has missed. "So does that mean we get to go shopping!!!!!" Ashes said excitedly. "For the two girls yes. For you no. You will have another chance to go shopping another day." Tina said. "Ok well I get to help pick out Kiera's honeymoon outfits." Ashes said even more excited. I just sat there a little stunned and a little dazed. "Madam we are here." The driver said to Tina. Ashes kept rambling on and on about the honeymoon outfits that she would pick for me. Brian just stared at Katie and Katie looked excited to finally be free and buy new things. We first ventured into a wedding store to buy my dress for the wedding. The more I thought about the wedding the more nervous I got. Katie dragged me over to a row saying she found my prefect dress but I stopped her after seeing one hidden from everyone else's view. It looked perfect. It had sparkles everywhere and was rockstyle type. It was made of leather. It was black with blue sparkles. It was so beautiful. It flowed out like a regular wedding dress does but it was leather. I fell in love with it at once. "This is the one Katie." I told her. She just nodded and inspected it. "You know I thought you'd go for the white dress." Katie said. "Ya well everyone else knows I'm weird and I like my own traditions. You know this was my dream dress." I said. She nodded and then smiled. "Well then let's go buy this." She said dragging me to the check stand where the others were waiting. "Um miss I don't think you'd want to buy that one." The cashier said. "Why not?" Ashes said sounding a little disappointed. "Well because that is the most wanted dress but it cost a lot so you might not be able to afford it." The cashier said looking at the dress and then looking me up and down as though the clothing I wore determined if I was rich or not. "Oh trust me we will buy this one. It must only cost like five hundred thousand dollars?" Tina said. "That is exactly how much it costs." The cashier said. "Ok then we are getting it. It doesn't seem like a lot of money. So here is the money." Tina said handing the money to the cashier after counting it. "Keep the change." Tina said. We then put my dress in the car and of course it was hidden from view. The cashier ran out and stopped us before we could go to another store. "You gave me a million dollars. That is too much." The cashier said. "Don't worry about it. Like I said keep the change." Tina said kindly. The cashier then smiled and ran back in. I saw through the glass window of the shop that she was on the phone. She hung up and came running back out. "Our manager wants to send his thanks and his appreciation. He said anything you want from now on is on the house." The cashier said. "Oh don't worry about it. We will buy things with money. We don't want to seem like cheapskates." Tina said smiling. "Oh no of course not. You are of course not at all cheapskates. Well I hope you all have a wonderful day." The cashier said and then ran back inside. "One bad thing about unlimited money is that it keeps piling up and you just want to spend most of it so you don't have huge piles stored everywhere imaginable." Tina said with a half smile. I nodded my head understandingly. "Well I guess its time to get Katie's clothes. Should we go to the mall?" Ashes asked. I nodded to Ashes. "Ok then let's go." Ashes said excitedly. We all got into the car and drove to the mall which only took about 5 minutes. We all got out and the driver locked the doors and drove to an area where people couldn't steal the car. We all went in and I told them not to split up. Katie and I linked arms.

im only 14 for goodness sakes (editing and changing a little)Where stories live. Discover now