I shrug. “I don’t play videos games nor do I follow in what is popular.”

He holds up a controller. “Want to learn?”


It’s late into the night and I was kicking Jeremy’s ass at COD.

“I killed you again!” I cry for the fifth time. Jeremy just glares at me before his face breaks out into a grin.

“You’re pretty good at this,” he admits. Then he looks over at the clock. “Holy shit! It’s 1AM already. Do you need to get home?”

“Uh, do you mind if I crash here tonight? I’m not really in the mood to drive right now,” I say, yawning for effect. Jeremy takes the hint and offers his bed up to me.

He pulls out some blankets, turns off the lights and just sleeps on the floor

“Jeremy?” I say.

“Yeah?” he mumbles.

“Thanks for letting me stay over and teaching me how to play video games.”

I can hear his muffled laughter. “No problem. Thanks for the advice and listening to my problems.”

“You’re welcome.”

As I started to drift off to sleep, I saw Damon in my mind, sinking his teeth into some innocent girl’s neck. Since he had been freed, he was definitely feasting.


I wake up about an hour after I had just fallen asleep. It’s the middle of the night but there is a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. I’m hungry and my hunger is not for human food.

I quickly scribble a note to Jeremy and tape it to his forehead. He’ll be sure to see it when he woke up.

My stomach was in so much pain as I ran through the forest. That was when the smell hit me. It was the fresh scent of human blood and it was nearby. Naturally, being the hunter that I am, I was attracted to the scent so I went in the direction of it.

I stumble onto a more abandoned part of the Mystic Falls cemetery and I see Damon just finishing his meal. There were bodies lying around everywhere and I could tell there wasn’t an ounce of blood left in any of them. I couldn’t help but feel disappointed.

“You didn’t save me any?” I accuse Damon.

He just smirks at me. “Bitch, you helped lock me up.”

“No I didn’t,” I reply simply. “I just didn’t bother helping you out. But I can assure you that I was not part of Stefan’s plan to poison you with vervain. I’m quite sure that he and Zach had been planning that for a while. You should thank me. I killed Zach for you.”

Damon rolls his eyes. “Yes thank you, I would have done it sooner or later.”

“No hard feelings?”

He just rolls his eyes again. “You may be a bitch but you’re a useful and powerful one.”

“I believe you should be using the term ‘witch’ and not the inappropriate term you keep calling me,” I say in a warning voice. It really wasn’t wise for him to make me snap.

Before Damon can make a snarky comeback, we hear a cough and both of us turn our heads. I see Vicki Donovan lying on the ground, her throat practically torn out.

“Hey! That’s Matt’s sister!” I exclaim.

Damon groans. “That one just doesn’t want to die…”

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