That was exactly what you didn't have to do.

The dragon, who was inches away from Hiccup's welcoming hand, turned violent. He closed his jaw fiercely and started to chase him, while my friend ran for his life. 

Thanks, Stoick.

He then shot a blast of fire at him, and Hiccup screamed.

"HICCUP!" I yelled, and began making my way down the gallery, pushing people aside in a not-so- gentle form "GET OUT OF THE WAY!" I heard gasps of complaint from the women while they moved reluctantly, whispering things like:

"What a rude girl!"

"Who raised her like that?" and things of the sort, but I didn't really care what they thought.

Some more men were in my way as I turned my head towards Hiccup, who was sprinting around the arena while the dragon roared dangerously at him.


Screw manners.

 I started to push everyone that stepped on my path out of the way while they stared at me offended, but it didn't affect me at all; all I cared about was reaching my best friend.

I ran to the gate just in time to see Astrid using an axe to raise the gates enough for her to come through, and I followed close behind.

Hiccup was still miraculously dodging the blasts of fire being shot at him, but I didn't know how much more he could hold on. Astrid threw an object to the dragon that hit him in the face, making her its new target.

And then, Stoick came to the 'rescue'.

"THIS WAY!" he yelled, opening the gate. Astrid went through it, and I was about to do the same thing, but the dragon shot a blast of fire at me. I yelled instinctively and hid myself behind the weapons stand, while the fire grazed my head.

"LEXA!" Hiccup yelled. Geez, he never stopped worrying about me! He should be worried on escaping himself!

I peeked behind me and saw the dragon with his back turned towards me, probably looking for me. That was my chance to escape. I got out of my hiding spot crawling and went over to Hiccup.

"Are you hurt?" he questioned, scanning me up and down worriedly for any signs of injuries.

"I'm fine, we just need to..." I was interrupted by a snarl.

Oh no.

A blast of plasma hit the gates, creating a cloud of smoke. Seconds later, the Monstrous Nightmare emerged from it with Toothless fighting him. Swinging at each other, Toothless managed to throw the dragon off him. The Night Fury roared, stepping in front of the other dragon every time he tried to reach to Hiccup. Then, he jumped in front of him and growled which made him leave.

Hiccup went over to Toothless quickly.

"Alright, Toothless, go" he put his hand on his snout while trying to push him away "Get out of here" 

But he wouldn't leave, of course. Hiccup was his owner, his best friend, and he wouldn't leave until he made sure he was safe. That was how loyal a dragon was.

War cries were heard from every corner of the arena, while every single Viking in the crowd jumped over the wire and into the ring to try to kill Toothless.

I HATED them so much!

"Go, go" Hiccup pushed him even more, but Toothless still wouldn't move. Amongst everything, I managed to spot Stoick grabbing an axe from the wall and running towards the Night Fury.

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