Chapter 28

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AUOTHORS NOTE - I just read my whole story so I'm Fenna bring it back some chapters. Old situations coming back!!

Jennifer's POV

Its been 5 months since we moved back up here. I really miss one person and I don't know why. Wanna know who? Nick. Yeah he cheated on me with my BEST FRIEND ! But I just really miss him. He texted me a few times the last months about how sorry he was and that he really missed me. I just said 'save that shit' and was done with it. After I sent him that he didn't say anything else.

"Should I call Nick?" I asked Michelle. She was feeding MiKayla breakfast.

MiKayla was so beautiful. She has the most pretty hair. It's like brown at the ends.

"What about Javion?" she said

"I heard he was talking to your little friend Jenna. Young ass don't even know what a .... Never mind she probably does if she hangs around you." I said .

"Shut the fuck up" Michelle said.

I walked in my room and sat on my bed Nervous. I picked up my iPhone 5s and dialed Nicks number .

Phone Call



"Yes , who's this?"

"This is Jenni..."

"Oh hey Jenni , long time no hear...."

"Nick I really Miss you. Like a lot."

It was a short silence on the phone.

"I miss you too Jenni. I really want to see you."

"Me too..... I'm willing to come down there just to see you. I have a lot going on and I just need somebody"

"Alright I love you."

Wait Nick just said he loves me... I have never loved a guy before but at the same time I think I fell in love with him.

"I'll see you soon."

I hung up the phone in shock. I need to get to Atlanta ASAP!!!

"Mama!!!!!" I screamed as I bust through her door. "Oh my god MAMA!"

My mama had blood all over her face and a black eye. Her face was swollen and bruises up and down her arms.

"Daddy did this ?" I asked touching her face.

"Yes" she said softly.

"Michelle come in here!" I yelled

"Yes Je- oh my god mama?!" Michelle said with MiKayla in her hands eating a slice of banana.

"Call Uncle Mike or Uncle June NOW! , I'm about to leave for Atlanta for a few days.. Take care of mama" I demanded .

I got some ice for mama face and I packed my clothes for the trip.

Shortly , My uncle Mike arrives.

"Hey uncle Mike. Please take care of my mama. I'm making a trip to Atlana. I'll be back next week. And also can I have so money for bus fair? I'm a little short."

"Yes baby cakes anything for you. And yes I'll take care of your mama."

"I love you" I said to my uncle and hugged him tightly.

I walked in my mamas room and gave her a hug.

"Don't worry mama I'm coming back. I have to handle something. I love you"

"I love you too baby. call me."


I got on the bus and started playing "Don't tap the white tiles" on my iPad. After I got bored I called My Auntie Maya.


"Hey Auntie"

"Heyy baby!!!!"

"I'm on my way over there"

"Oh ok great!! I got somebody I want you to meet too."

"Lol ok auntie"

"Alright baby.

"Auntie , my dad abused my mama again... Her face all bloody and she bruised"

"Ahh man I knew that was gonna happen. I'm just happy she not on drugs again.

"Well yeah that's a good thing . But I gotta get on the next bus Auntie."

"Alright see you soon love you"

"Love you too bye"

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