~Chapter 6~ Is he PMS'ing

Start from the beginning

"Nandini..... It means you care?" he said with a hope. Hope??? What are you talking Nandini? Monsters don't feel and there is only one word to define his wants, his will no hopes.

The rest of the drive was in complete silence. I know he wont let me hear music I didn't bother to even switch it on. I was dreaded about dying in this bore but we got there soon enough against my expectation.

He parks the car and runs to other side to opens the door for me. Gentleman quality? From when did he started to act all nice with me. where is my Akdu Malhotra gone? I wondered widening my eyes at the very thought.

He offers his hand as we walk to the entrance of Taj Hotel.
I stare dully here and there as he walks with me to one of the cornered table which has low light and a huge window to enjoy scenery as we enjoy the meal.

He pulls the chair for me and with a hanged brow I sits quietly on it. This is too much to take. My stomach is already full of all this nice act. If he stretches the play more I am likely to empty my emotions right here on this table. I clutches my hands tight on my duppata so as to calm myself.

It only took a while before a young waiter come up to us.
"What would you like to have sir and madam?" he says in a beautiful accent and his smile already makes me give him another look. Aww so cute!

I check for his name on his shirt , the metallic plate he had on his pocket reads his name efficiently.
"Aaryaman" I take his name softly but to my surprise he hears it and beams a smile at my direction.
Aaryaman is really a hot guy, don't take me wrong but he has a looks to die for. And those beautiful dimple that rises when he smiles . Aww. How I wish I could pull his cheeks. He has a baby smile and cute face, not to forget his different rajasthani accent. It surely make me smile at him.

Just when I am almost writing an essay on his looks I hear someone clearing his throat. Ouch! Its my husband, I realized.

"I will take a soup and chicken starters for now." He says shutting the menu and throwing it away. Its rude in a way but still the poor guy manages to give me a smile before he leaves.

We soon finishes with our dinner but hardly talk. All my dear husband do the whole time was groan when Aryaman made its appearance with food. Like what's wrong with him? He is such a jerk I tell you.

We had our dinner and time was for to pay bill. Aryaman again appears on the table and I hear a similar groan from my hubby. Cant I even smile at someone as cute as Aryaman? Come-on hubby ! I rolls my eyes at him.

Aryaman had a bright smile when he took the card and menu with him . He paid the bill and turned back to us for returning the card. "I hope you all enjoyed your dinner." He said with a smile which I surely as a girl could not refuse it.

"Oh yes I loved it here. Thank you." I return a genuine smile but heard a low growl from my hubby. I swore I want to knock his teeth of his gums for behaving like a nerd. I am just talking to this man please. Its not like I will date him. I know I am married for god sake! But Manik is Manik, as soon as we gets up he guides his hand on my waist. I tried hard to not choke on his action.
He tips the guy and we gets out of the hotel with a fake plastic smile. soon I find myself in his car. What a great evening? (Please read the sarcasm) he didn't let me talk about his earlier action and he confused me more with his behaviour now.

Manik's eyes brows are furrowed again and I feel an urge to straighten it right now. Why is he acting so different ? What's the matter?

The whole drive to our home is silent. Once we reached home, I enter the entrance and walks to my room. I have just reached it when I feel Manik too entering the door with it. Moreover he slams the door as he enters.

"What is wrong with you?" I am so angry at his mood swings now. One minute he is so gentle man other minute he is as good as apes from jungle. Horrible!

The loud noise of door shut causes me a head ache which I try to suppress it massaging my head with two finger.

"Nothing." He spits out and marched to my bed.

Oh! Please don't tell me! He is sleeping with me now? It doesn't make any difference that I had dinner with him. He still is not allowed to share my bed. That's it!

Is there any point to talk to him?! Exactly NO! So I do what most people does in this situation. Leave him on his own and walks to the door and tries to get out of it.

" Don't you dare open the door. You are sleeping with me." I stare at his face , shock on his demand. What? there is no way I am doing that.

I ignores his word and takes a step to the door when suddenly the floor slips from my feet and I find myself hanging in his arms. He is picking me up in bridal style. I try to object but all fall weak in front of his strong determination. He places me down on bed and brings the cover up to my waist. My eyes flutters opens and close involuntary. I see him in blur as he turns to the other side and gets inside the cover. I could feel him shifting close to me but I make a move far from his. He stops and thats how sleep engulfed me even in this awkward position.

Precap : Most happening Picnic... Changing equations😉

*Manik is still trying to control his temper issues, can't expect great changes in a day, Right?!

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