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"We can complain that rose bushes have thorns, Or be grateful that thorn bushes have roses."

The words he spoke were jotted down in the torn-up journal he had carried around for months now. He relied deeply on his writing, nothing else satisfied his violent drive. The boy stared out of the bus's window and gazed at the foggy sky. Rain...his favorite weather. The water droplets were reassuring, for he knew that the sky could cry with him from time to time. The sickly bright yellow vehicle stopped in front of his dismal grey house, painted just to his liking. His heavy black boots thudded on the metal flooring as he stepped out of the bus, ignoring the jeers from his classmates.

Turning the key, the frail young man was greeted by his overly-excited dog as he stood in the doorway. "Hello, Lanie. Was it lonesome without me?" The dog whined. She was fiercely loyal to this particular human. The boy's parents had adopted her for him just before they disappeared on an evening quite like this one. His rucksack was discarded onto the living room floor before he calmly made his way up to the only remaining bedroom in the mansion, now serving as his hideaway. A neatly enveloped letter awaited on his bed. He surmised that Tenny, the scullery maid, left it there for him. He did find it quite odd that there was mail addressed to him, for this did not happen often. His pale hands made their way around the white paper. He tore it open with one, crisp, neat slice of his letter opener fashioned much like a dagger. The note read as followed.

To whomever received this notice,

I have seen you in my dreams. I know not your name, only your face. I would expect you to be 

quite intrigued by how this letter fell into your hands, so allow me to explain: After seeing you in 

enough of my nightly visions, I managed to draw out a recreation of you the to the best of my 

abilities. I then wrote this letter and handed  it over(along with the portrait) to a messenger of 

special sorts. I hope that the person reading this matches the visual description. Now, my cause 

for writing this letter is to say one thing thing. I am in love with you. Not simply for your 

aesthetically pleasing features, but also because of your voice, and especially due to your 

personality. Please write back if this is you. To ensure that it is, I enclosed the drawing in this 

envelope. Please have a good day, for me if not for you.

Love, Justin Luna.

Once he had finished reading, the young man pulled out the drawing in the envelope. Every detail was perfectly depicted, from his unruly black hair to his sunken eyes and long, expressionless face. It was indeed him. He stood up and walked briskly to his bathroom,  finalling heeding to the signs of his ill stomach. He vomited for a great while, then proceeded to laugh hollowly as he stood up on shaky legs once more. This was a warning sign that he needed to feed once more. Cautiously closing the bathroom door, the teenage wreckage pulled out a blade, which was long and thin like his body. He marked a mental incision on his wrist and cut the flesh. Deep crimson bubbles formed within seconds as he sunk his teeth into the fresh wound.

This continued for roughly 2 hours before he stopped, feeling the wave of exhaustion wash over him. Blood had splattered on all the walls and bits of the ceiling caused by the opening of a small artery. This was normal for him. He was not a vampire, but he did have an unstoppable craving for blood that couldn't be explained. His thirst was finally quenched for the time being. This was a strenuous chore, but he rather enjoyed it. He had started to form a plan in which he would find donors for his pleasure, willing or not, it did not matter. He finally let go of the end of a relieved breath and let the blood drip all over him as he contemplated the last few days. He licked his lips. Blackness washed over him once again.

 I rather like this story, please tell me what you think in the comments and feel free to vote! There is more gore to be soon on it's way so stay tuned in! I hope you enjoyed this first chapter. I love you all my undead beauties!


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