Chapter 3

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It's been four years. Four years since the Winchesters caught the demon. Four years since Beth Greene left her family to join theirs. She knew a lot more than she did before now, and it wouldn't be long until she knew everything Sam and Dean knew. She was no longer a farm girl, she was now a hunter. She took online college courses in her free time, as did Sam. Dean had no interest in college, so he didn't bother. "Hey book worms, we got a case." He said as he entered after a few hours at the bar. "Hey drunk head, we know." Beth replied. "The question is, what exactly are we hunting?" Sam put in. "There's no telltale signs of a demon." Beth ruled out. "Vengeful spirit, maybe?" Dean proposed. "Maybe. Or a death omen? Remember that one time with the officers?" Sam asked. "Nope." Beth replied. "Yeah smart ass, cause you weren't there." Dean snapped. "Exactly." Beth said and shut her laptop. She went over to her bed and got out her journal. "What's the details?" She asked, flipping through the pages of her journal. "People disappearing, some are later found, every ounce of blood drained from their bodies." Sam explained. Beth thought for a moment. "Vampires." She finally said. "The paper said that a man was attacked by an animal in his own home." She grabbed the paper and said the name aloud. "That name is familiar, let me see dad's journal." Dean said. Beth reached out, grabbed the journal, them tossed it to Dean. She and Sam watched as he flipped through it. "Aha! The man was a hunter, a good friend of dad's." Dean said and put the journal back down.




Beth was in the Impala getting some food for her, Sam, and Dean when a man came up to the car window while she was parked. She rolled down the window and raised her eyebrow. "Why did you steal the car?" The man asked. "I didn't." Beth said and flashed a smile. "Yes you did, I know who that car belongs to." The man said. "Oh? And what's your name mister?" Beth asked. "John." The man said and splashed Beth in the face with water. She wiped her face off. "I'm not a demon you know..." She said and reached down for her purse. "I'm a hunter." She got out her gun and pointed it at the man's head. "You're a hunter? Then you must've heard about me." John said. "The only hunters I know are Sam, Dean, and Bobby." Beth snapped. "You know my sons?" John asked, hopeful. "You are John Winchester aren't you?" Beth asked and John nodded. She put her gun back in her purse and got out of the car. "I'm Bethany Greene. But you can call me Beth. I became a hunter when a demon was acting like a ghost and your boys saved me four years ago. Been hunting with them ever since." She explained and smiled. She held out her hand and John shook it. "I'm pretty sure you know who I am if you know my boys." He said. "Yep. We're on a vampire case right now. I'm sorry about your buddy by the way." Beth said sincerely. John sighed and nodded. "I was just gonna get dinner for the three of us, do you want to join? I'm sure they'll be happy to see you." Beth offered. John nodded and smiled. "Id like that." He said. Beth locked the car and started walking towards the diner, John following. They got to the diner and walked inside. When they got to the booth, Beth wrinkled up her nose, then froze. "Sulfur." She said and got out her bottle of holy water. "Just pretend like you don't notice." John whispered. Beth nodded and ordered for her, Sam, and Dean. "Uncle Edward, what would you like?" She asked John and he ordered. Soon the waiter came out with their food. "Thank you kind sir." Beth said with a smile and took the food. She took one step towards the door before the waiter grabbed her from around the neck, threatening to choke her. Beth tossed the food to John and uncapped her bottle. She poured the holy water on the waiter, and the waiter screamed. "Run!!" Beth screamed and ran towards the car, John got on her heels. She unlocked the car and slid into the driver's seat, John sliding into the passenger. She backed up the car and sped towards the motel before the demon could even open the diner door.



"You two are lucky. I almost died today." Beth said as she marched through the door. "What happened Beth?" Sam asked, concerned. "Almost got choked to death by a demon." Beth explained, motioning to the bruises on her neck. "Oh and I met someone there. I'm sure you'll love him. I invited him for dinner." She said. "Beth! Are you trying to get us killed?" Dean yelled. Just then, a voice was heard from the doorway. "I'm pretty sure I won't kill any of you." It said. "Dad?" Dean asked. John stepped in and nodded. "Yes son." He said. Both of the brothers hugged their father. Beth sorted out the food, then smiled at them. She missed those moments with her own family. She shook the thought from her mind and cleared her throat. The Winchesters all turned towards her. "The food is all sorted out when you guys are ready." Beth said and grabbed her salad before retreating into the kitchen. She sat on the counter and ate silently, giving her time to think. When she was finished, she put the trash away. She sat back on the counter and sighed. She nearly hit her head when her phone went off. She answered it and an unfamiliar voice sounded from the other line. "If you ever want to see your sister alive again you'll come to the back of the bar alone and unarmed." It said.

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