Chapter 1

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"Dean, will you focus?" Sam asked his older brother. Dean was rocking his head back and forth to a rock song. "I was listening, we got a case in Georgia, right?" He asked. Sam nodded. "Yeah, Atlanta to be exact. Disappearances on farms." He explained. "So which one are we headed to?" Dean questioned. "Well, according to the pattern the Greene's farm should be next. An old man who lives with his second wife, two daughters, and stepson." Sam replied, looking at his laptop. "How old are the daughters?" Dean asked with a smirk. Sam sighed. Typical Dean. "18 and 26." He answered. "Are they hot? You got a picture of the family?" Dean asked. "No, I don't. We'll have to see when we get there, which will be in about fifteen minutes." Sam said, annoyed.




Sam knocked on the Greene's door. A female voice sounded from inside. "I'll get it!" It said. Thirty seconds later the door opened. In the doorway stood a blonde haired girl with ice blue eyes. Her hair was straight, but fell into a loose curl just below her shoulders. The sight of her made Sam speechless. "Hello?" The girl asked. "Hi. I... Uh..." Sam stuttered. "Hello, I'm Dean, and this is my brother Sam. We're with the news. We wanted to ask you about the recent disappearances." Dean said for him. "I'm Bethany, but you can call me Beth. Come on in." The girl said and opened the door wider for them to come in. "Please, make yourselves comfortable. I'll be right back." She said. The brothers walked inside and sat on the couch. Beth went upstairs and fetched her siblings. A half brother and a half sister. She led them downstairs to the living room. "Shawn, Maggie, this is Sam and Dean. Sam and Dean, this is Maggie and Shawn." Maggie had brown hair up to her chin and green eyes. Shawn had brown hair and soft blue eyes, not like Beth's. Dean nudged Sam's shoulder. "Hey, doesn't that Maggie chick look like Bella?" He whispered. Sam nodded. "Except Bella had long hair and a British accent." He whispered back. Beth sat on the couch next to the brothers, while Maggie and Shawn sat in the recliners. "Our parents aren't home, so you'll just be askin' us." Beth explained in her southern accent. Sam found himself smiling at her, but he snapped out of it. "Alright, so do you know anything that the victims had in common?" Dean asked. Maggie nodded. "They were all blondes, why?" Sam and Dean exchanged a worried look. "Guys, what's wrong, you're scarin' us." Beth said. "Maggie, Shawn, Beth's in trouble." Sam explained. "Woah woah woah, wait, what!?" Shawn spoke for the first time that evening. "We've been studying the disappearances, and we've found a pattern. And according to it, your farm is next. And since all the victims were blonde, and Beth is blonde, she will be next." Dean said calmly. "Wait, so you're saying I'm gonna get kidnapped? You guys are crazy!" Beth yelled. "Beth, I think they're right. Think about it. It all makes sense. But I don't think they're reporters, are you?" Maggie explained. Dean sighed and shook his head. "You're lucky we think you and you're sister are cute." He said. "We are hunters. We kill the monsters under your bed." He explained. "So, what do you think is after me?" Beth asked in a small voice. "Vengeful spirit." Sam replied. Beth let a small squeak out of her mouth on accident and put both hands over her mouth, she was terrified. Sam saw that she was scared, and without thinking, he hugged her. Beth hugged him back tightly, still scared, but a little less. Dean cleared his throat after a few moments. "Sorry to break up the hug fest, but we need to come up with a plan."

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