Chapter 4

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"CYBERTRON!" One of the 'female' transformers shout, grabbing the sides of her head.

Ratchet and Optimus stay silent as I watch them carefully. Their optics follow the streams of fire that scorched their planet. A frown etches across Ratchet's face, and Optimus closes his optics, shaking his head. A blood-curdling scream emits from a small 'bot beside of me, Wheelie. I shoot him a glare.

"Well, this sucks."

"Dude," I whisper-shout at him

"That's my home," the female 'bot drops to her knees.

A tap on my shoulder makes me turn around. Aaron stares and ushers me to follow her. I do just that, offering a small smile to the Autobots as they all mourn.

"There's nothing you can do for them, Phoneix; let them grieve." The woman tells me, causing me to scowl. 

"Well you would guess that, wouldn't you?" I sneer.

I have been fighting for the Autobots for years now, by their side. I've become their family, and they mine. I would truly do anything for them. We have fought the same enemies and lived together.

And I'm positive my friendship can be something I can offer to them.

"Leave them alone, okay? They will be fine, and you shouldn't bother them."

I swat the hand she is trying to comfort me with like a child would. But she is human, after all. Aaron's family never endured the suffering mine has, as she grew up like any other person on Earth. She chose to join Nest and work alongside them, but without them, she still has a career. She has a life outside of the Cybertronian war.

"Aaron," I wave my metal digits in front of her. "I'm not just a human anymore; I'm one of them. Although I am not saying Cybertron is my planet or anything, they are my friends. The least I can do is stay by their side."

She pinches the bridge of her nose and sighs.

"I won't abandon them."


2 weeks have passed. The Autobots have stayed in the base for days now, and none of them have said a word. I tried to speak to Ratchet, but he grunted and walked off. I haven't left their side, even though I am being given the silent treatment. I've managed to stay in the same room with at least one of them all the time. Hacking on my laptop, I keep silent the entire time.

The Decepticons are also silent. There have not been any attacks, threatens, or even sightings of the brute beasts. It gives us time to breathe. Though Decepticons are cybertronians too, and they must be upset about its death as well.

I snap my laptop closed, taking a deep breath as I lean against the cold cement wall. Shutting my eyes for a second, the hum of a car engine reaches me. 

I glance up to see Sideswipe's alternative sports car mode, with his passenger door open. I hop in.

"What's up, shorty?" He buzzes, driving out of the base.

I sigh. "Nothing much, I guess. But this isn't about me... so how are you?"

"I'm fine. Man, I saw this coming for ages. Don't ya worry about me."

My eyes widen. "Really?"

"There were a few years that I considered being a scientist on Cybertron. When the war broke out, I wasn't given the choice to do anything other than fight. Ya didn't guess that about me, bruh?"

"I always thought you were the dumbest of the team," I chuckle, shaking-

The car comes to an instant stop, as I slide forward and bump my head against the dashboard.

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