In love will "a" killer (Killertale Sans)

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I'm not gonna make it

no one p.o.v


You slowly knocked on the door "Saaaaaans?" no respond, so you decided to wait but it's been 30 minutes and you couldn't wait any longer, you kicked the door open and saw a lot of pillows, some cute-looking plushies, chairs, ect. and something popped in your mind 'Oh my... These things... Is Sans really a killer?' and you heard a high-pitched-like voice "YOU'RE NOT GONNA WIN" and "Try meh", you look around to see who was that but that person is still out of your view. You walk further in the room to find if there's someone near by.

Suddenly, someone jumped out and pushed you make you fall. "Oh god! I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry! I though you were Killer because you are in his territory and-- Ah! I should get off you now!" You open your eyes and see Ink sans was on you but he's trying to get up. "uh... what are doing here?" You asked, he smiled warmly at you and turn around "Meh and Killer are "playing" a game since he told me he was too lonely and bored." "What game?" "Idk maybe some type of... war?" He said in a funny tone and make a stupid face, "Ok so where is he?" you asked, "Um... since he walked in the kitchen to find me and you're the only one who have stepped into here so I think he's still in dat kitchen."

You and Ink sneak inside the kitchen and see there are a lot of fluffy stuffs. You two look around to see Killer if he was there or not. You then heard a weird sound so you asked Ink to find where does it come from. Aftur a long explore you found Killer was sleeping next to the fridge while holding a fake sword (u know, it is bcuz Ink and Killer were playing a game), you laughed a little bit at his face and Ink goes closer to Killer trying to make the nightmare-looking skeletoOn up.

He finally opened his eyes (sockets ...?) and sees you were standing in front of him. He was too surprise, stood up and throw the toy to the window "____, uh... oh... What are you doing here?!" made Ink chuckled, Ink puts his hand on your shoulder "I'll give you some private space~!" and he jumped out the window hitted the tree hard.

After that, you and Killer spent a lot of time together. He told you a lot of pun (that's what Sans always do, right? :v), shared with you everything and acted way too cute and whatever. You started to feel like you have a tiny crush on him but you didn't tell him tho.

*End of fu lesh bak*

Time passed and you only see Killer has been acting really weird, just like he is a real killer right now, every time you try to talk or help him he refused and even push you away. You were very worried but time by time you didn't feel like you need to care about him anymore because he is like insane. So you decided to leave.

After a long walk you finally reach your house but every time you try to open the door it kept refusing you. You were curious why, you walked to the window and open it, trying to climb inside, then froze, noticed that there are blood here. Your eyes open wide as you heard footsteps. You try your best to run to your room with a very fast speed but not letting you touch the door (again -_-) yet someone blocked the way, but you were running too fast so you bump into "that". You see there's a knife on their right hand, looked like... skeleton's hand...? You then try to calm down and look at that "person", they were wearing blue hoodie, that was familiar to you, black shorts, that's way much more familiar to you, and something black's dropping down their face from the eyes, you suddenly realize, that was Killer Sans.

A creepy smile growing on his face. "Look what we've got here~" said Killer in a low voice and grab your hand not to make you run away. "K-Killer... what a-are you d-do-doing? Wha-what does all of th-this mean?" He didn't answer, after a few minutes he finally spoke out "Aw you'll see~" He squeezed your hand hard, lead you downstairs, let you sit down and told you a lot but most of them are about who did he kill. You just can't believe that you let him say whatever he want, until he said that he killed your... (well, family! He killed your family) Suddenly, your tears slowly rolling down from your eyes, you used your hand to wipe your tears away and when he's out of guard (he goes to sleep lol), which made you notice, you then carefully release your hand from his then sneak outside.

Later he woke up, didn't see you anywhere, he begins to laugh like a mad... uh... mad what...? killer? (why? He's already a killer so he did!)

He goes outside to find you. Probably it is silence now because he killed everyone in here. You are still running while tears falling down your cheeks, you couldn't stop yourself from crying anymore, few years ago he was a really cute, punny and kind skeleton but why all these days he changed so much? Thinking too much make you bump into a bush. You though you could hide in there so you keep being quiet, trying to hold back your breath so he couldn't find you.

He was a cold murderer, and your old best friend, you had crush on him for a long time but seeing him doing this... nothing can bring the old Killer back. Right now he is trying to find you and what if he kill you after that? And you couldn't stop loving him.

A grin growed on his creepy face again as he slowly walked, not making any sound. You let out a sigh, quietly look to your left to see if he is here or not, but didn't see him anywhere, you though you were safe but then he suddenly jumped out from the right side "Found you!" You shocked, trying your best to get up fast as you can and when you're trying to run, he used his magic to stop you and steps to you, looks at you in the eyes.

"Just what do you think you are doing?" He asked with a cold tone. You are scared a little but you took all of your courage and raised your voice "What do I think I am doing? I supposed to be the one who ask that! Just what do you think YOU are doing? And all you've done you think I'm happy of that?" He shocked a little and still keep on silence, "Why did you do this? Don't tell me that you do this for fun!" He still not answer, looked away. You notice his action and yelled at him again "Hey! Weren't you the one who told me that I have to look at you?" He glaced over you, but slowly put you down.

You didn't run away tho, you noticed that he walked away without saying anything. You ran to him and took his hand, he stopped, turned around to see you and noticed you were crying. He suddenly realized what has he done and wipe your tears away, not letting him saying even one word, you huged him tight, he was surprise at your reaction but soon hug back. "____, I-I'm sorry.... But I d-don't hope you to f-forgive anyway, even me I couldn't forgive myself... I-It's just the way you talk to people... Just like they're trying to prevent me from confess to you, so I t-think the only thing I can do is finish them all-" He didn't continue his sentence.

"R-really...?" You softly asked him. He blushed a little (again ==) "Y-yes... I've been... secretly... um... but I don't think you would feel the same way because all of this..."

*Third person p.o.v*

____ then looked up at Killer with the saddest expression on her face, she huged Killer tighter and tighter "I love you, Killer..." said ___ and she burried her face into Killer's chest. He huged back once again and they both pulled away. "Hey ____?" "What is it?" "Do you want a..."

Finally I'm doooooooone, that was 1402 words not includes my random talk.
----Welp, that's all! The End!----

[--] Undertale AU Sans and reader oneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang