Letter #2: Dear Makoto...

18 3 0

July 15, 1916

Dear Makoto,

They're still giving me crap about not being there fighting with you and the other servicemen. They won't let up; they keep telling me about what an honor it is to go to war, but as long as mom is fine, I don't care what they say. It's been nice spending time with her. We even got to celebrate my birthday together for the first time in years..I wish you would've been here too, Makoto. She's been doing better lately— she's been able to walk around much easier. This is good—but also terrifying. If they get word of her speedy recovery, then they'll draft me for sure. Nagisa and Rei are lucky...but hopefully their luck doesn't run out when they come of age..

Besides that, I must say, that you're very emotional on paper—I've never heard you say this much cheesy stuff...although I'd like to hear it more often. And know that I miss you too, so much so that... it's a constant need..to see you, Makoto. As much as I seem to hate when you call me Haru-Chan, I'd feel so happy to hear it again...to hear you soothing voice. That would be nice..very nice. What I'd do to hear your warm, velvety voice accompanied with your gentle stare..just thinking about it gets me all..tingly to say the least. Geez...now I'm getting as cheesy as you. But I can't help it I guess. I just need you here..by my side once more.

I too have nightmares in which I question your return. I don't like to think about these things, but I can't help it. Sometimes I feel guilty. Here I am sitting on my ass in a warm and comforting home while you're living in what sounds like the most unimaginable hell. What I'd do if I were there with you..I'd comfort you..I'd hold you in an embrace that I'd swear to never let you out of. I'd do whatever you want..whatever you need..I'm there for you, no matter what people have to say about it. I don't give a damn about them anymore, Makoto. I just want to be with you again. We'd do anything you want and I mean a n y t h i n g. You say that you need me, but dare I say it, I need you much more. I need to see you...to feel you...to hear my name on your breath. I've always hated my full name, but when you say it...oh words can't even describe the way it makes me weak in the knees and makes my heart completely melt...the way it makes my ears hum in pleasure. You have no idea how desperate I feel. It's killing me, Makoto. I miss you so much and now I'm spewing this cheesy crap back at you, but oh well. I simply can't help the way that I feel. Please...hurry back, Makoto.


P.S: What are these 'nightly antics'? If they're half as interesting as they sound, I'd like you to tell me about them..in detail, Makoto.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2018 ⏰

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