A letter from Makoto

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June 30, 1916
Dear my beloved Haruka,
          I miss you. That's all I've been thinking to myself—I miss you Haru-Chan. It's been warm out here on the Mediterranean Seas, but I only feel a cold, gaping hole in my heart. I miss you and the guys so much. I may be stationed out here on the beautiful, sparkling, blue ocean water, but i hate it. I can't swim in it without you and the guys...it's meaningless without you. I'm beginning to hate the ocean even more than I already did..and the thing I hate about it the most...your eyes. The water is the most beautiful crystal shade of blue I've ever seen..so much so that it reminds me of the way I'd get lost in your eyes. I miss them so much Haru-Chan. The way they'd light up when they saw a pool..or an aquarium..or a water bottle..or any body of water that you'd strip down to get into. I guess you could call me obsessed, but I don't care.
          I'm scheduled to be here for about 2 more months, but every minute away from you feels like an eternity, Haru-Chan. I've yearned to swim with you, to laugh with you, to cry with you, to win with you...to be with you. I've stayed up some nights thinking of..well, I don't know if Nagisa will get a hold of this letter so I'll try not to be too...explicit. Let's just say, my fellow servicemen are growing tired of me and my nightly antics. You'd understand. Right, Haru-Chan?
          I am glad however that I haven't been faced with anymore combat missions— I don't know if my heart can take anymore sadness—I don't think my eyes can handle seeing anymore blood..decapitation. I don't know if my legs can manage going through anymore trenches filled with the severed legs and arms of my fellow servicemen. I don't know if my ears can handle the blood curdling screams of agony and pain...the bitter crunch of human bones...the— I'm sorry Haruka...if I keep writing about this, I won't be able to send this to you because it'll be covered in vomit.
          The horrific things I've seen...they are overwhelming and will surely plague me with nightmares for years to come. But the only thing keeping me going...is you. You're the source of energy I turn to when there appears to be nothing left in me, Haru-Chan. Your friendship...the embrace we shared all those months ago when we last parted...I've lived off of that moment for too long. I want—no, I need more of you, Haru-Chan...whatever that may be...I need you. I'm losing my mind out here. I miss miss Mom and Dad, Rin, Ran, Rei, Nagisa, Gou...my Haru-Chan...all of you... I swear...I can't wait till these two months of absolute hell are over. We'll be together soon, Haruka.

With undying love,
Makoto Tachibana

P.S: Please keep this letter in your private stash, where all my other rather...emotional letters are. I'm not ready for my parents and the guys to know about us just yet, Haruka.

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