Morning breath

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I decided to wait until sober Lily came back.

I knew that I couldn't bring her home because her parents would have a fit but I also didn't know what to do.


Mia- Lily's drunk?

Me- Yup.

Mia- I texted Lucy and Jack and told her that she was staying with me tonight but make sure she gets home around 11 because they are picking grandma Rosie up.

Thank you Mia!

Me- Okay thank you.

Mia- no problem.

I pulled into my driveway and got out. How the hell am I supposed to get her out?

I opened the car and picked her up. I opened my door and quietly walked inside my room. I closed my door and turned the light on. I put her on my bed and she was waking up but went right back to sleep.

Hope she has fun with this hangover.

I changed out of my clothes and put on jogging pants. I know that the dress Lily had one was uncomfortable but I didn't know how she felt about me touching her.

I grabbed one of my t shirts and had an idea. I put the shirt over her first and then took off her dress.

I put the shirt one and then grabbed her straps from the dress. I slowly pulled it down but I felt everything. I can't do this.

I can't touch her especially when she is drunk. I know that may seem weird since I'm her boyfriend but I would still feel like shit in the end. So I hurried up and pulled it down until it got to her feet and took it off.

I pushed her over to one side and I got inside the bed.  She felt the moment because she woke up or she was half up.

" Hunter."

" Yes princess."

Her eyes were still closed, " Did you change my dress."

I nodded, " But I put a shirt over you first."

She smiled lightly, " Thank you."

" For what?"

" For not doing what horny little boys do."

I smiled and kissed her lips, " Never. Now let's get some sleep."

She cuddled up to me and fell back to sleep. She had her arms wrapped around my waist and this must feel what heaven feels like.

I wonder will she remember this in the morning? Probably not.

I kissed her forehead and went to sleep.


Lily's POV

My head! I woke up and my head was pounding like there was a storm in there.

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