Chapter 1

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"Hey," Ian slurred over the loud music to Kalel. She eyed him suspiciously. 

"Oh, hi Ian," she said unenthused, looking past him. "Um, I'm going to find Anthony." She attempted to walk away but Ian blocked her path. Kalel could smell the alcohol on his breath and recognized the glazed over look in his eyes. 

"You're really... pretty in that dress," he smiled, giving her a once over. "I can see why Ant... Anthony likes you." 

She folded her arms across her chest uncomfortably. "Ian you're drunk. Go find Melanie to take you home." 

Ian ignored her. "I'm not trying to hit on you Kalel if that's what you're thinking, I just...," he stumbled a little, losing his balance and hiccupped. "I just... I just wanted to say that I'm just glad Anthony found a girl who... Who likes him for th- guy he is." He laughed, amused by his own statement. 

"Oh, um, thank you Ian," she replied awkwardly. She tried to slip away again, but the blue eyed 24 year-old continued. 

"I mean, not that he's had problems in the past with getting chicks..." he paused to take a drink of his cocktail."cuz he's so fricken HOT, you know..." 

Kalel searched for a way around him, but there were too many people blocking the way. She sighed in defeat. 

"...But I mean, no one really knows Anthony like his best friend, me! I mean, I-I know him better than anyone!" Ian took another swig and smirked drunkenly, like he had her beat. He went on. "Anthy... Anthony and me've done everything... Everything together!" He dramatically waved his arms out, spilling his drink, slightly. Kalel scoffed, finally reaching her limit. 

"Oh that's cute, and I bet you two have slept together too," she laughed. Ian wrinkled his nose in disgust at her reply. "Yeah, that's what differentiates us, Ian. Now please just let me find my boyfriend." 

Ian suddenly surprised her by laughing. 

"What? What's so funny?" Kalel asked, slightly annoyed. Ian stopped for a moment to reply. 

"Wuh-weren't you even listening to me? You really have no idea, do you?" 

Kalel looked at him like he was crazy. "What, to your drunken blather about Anthony?" she muttered. 

Ian smirked and took another drink. 

"Anthony never told you that he an' I did fuckin'... sleep together?! That I was his first?" 

Kalel suddenly looked shocked, then she huffed in annoyance. 

"Oh yeah, do you really expect me to believe that?" She folded her arms. 

"I really don't give a ffffff-firetruck if ya do, I'm just sayin', you know that thing he does when he kinda bites down on your neck, licks it, and blows over it? He totally got that from me. I totally used to do that to him." 

Kalel had a sudden look of realization, then anger. She forcefully shoved Ian out of the way into a nearby potted plant and pushed her way through the crowd of people. 

"Ow," Ian mumbled before vomiting into said plant and blacking out. 






"Fuck! Not so loud, my head!" Ian grumbled, clutching his head with both hands. He suddenly felt himself being lifted off the ground by his shirt. 

"Hey, what the hell?" he asked, squinting to see who was lifting him. 

"God dammit Ian, what the fuck is wrong with you?!" He heard Anthony ask as he came into view. 

"What? Ow, Anthony! Why are you picking me up like this?" Ian asked, disoriented.  

"Why?" Anthony replied angrily, "Because you're fucking ruining everything!" 

Ian felt the room spin around one way and Anthony spinning another and felt sick and confused. 

"What-what are you talking about? What did I do?" 

Anthony threw him back down on the ground. 

"Aaaah! Hey! Seriously, what the hell was that for?" 

"You fucking told her," Anthony fumed. "You promised you'd never bring it up ever again and you did. TO HER OF ALL PEOPLE!!!" 

"I-I'm not following..." Ian trailed off. "Told who what?" 

"GAAAH! Kalel, you idiot! Last night!" 

"Anthony," Ian mumbled trying his hardest not to throw up again, "I don't remember what happened, I was so shit-faced last night." 

Anthony knelt down beside him, glaring right into his eyes. 

"You told Kalel about our... past... and now she wants nothing to do with me!" 

"I-Oh shit..." 

"Dammit Ian, she fucking confronted me about it and made this HUGE fucking scene about it in front of everyone at the party!" 

"Shit! I'm sorry! I'm sorry, Anthony!" Ian whimpered.  

"Of course I could have denied it and passed it off as you being a drunk idiot, but then you had to go tell her about that thing I do in bed! She accused me of fucking you behind her back every time we're together! We just bought a house together and she wants to break up!" 

"But-but that was a long time ago!" 

"She doesn't fucking care, man! It's over. You've embarrassed yourself, me, and your girlfriend too!" 

"What? Did Melanie leave last night too?" Ian asked. 

"Uh-YEAH! After Kalel told her everything!" 

"Wait-what?!" Ian looked around the floor and found his cell phone. He had 6 new voicemails and 15 new texts. He felt his heart sinking. 

"Shit," be mumbled going through the walls of text from Melanie's messages. 

Anthony was pacing back and forth angrily. 

"Seriously dude, I don't even know why I even bothered letting you fuck me back then. I fucking knew it would come back someday and ruin my life!" 

Ian felt a twinge of pain through his heart, then anger. 

"Really?! Don't forget you fucking came onto me, asshole! Don't pin it all on me when you were the drunk and horny teenager who needed to get laid ASAP!" 

"Oh yeah, and it was entirely all my fault when you came out to me, and only me, as being bi. When you kept telling me how you always wondered what it's like to kiss another guy." 

"Well, you were my best friend! Who else was I gonna tell? You know the other guys always ripped on the gay kids, I knew you wouldn't!" Ian felt hot tears form around his eyes so he turned away from Anthony. 

"And I didn't tell anyone! That's my point! You did, Ian! You told the one person I never wanted to find out." Anthony sighed in frustration. "I need some time to think," he muttered, walking out of the living room and slamming the door to his room. 

Ian put a hand on his throbbing head. 

"God Dammit."

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