Ch1...A trip...

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Marinette woke from her sleep, expecting an alarm clock to be blasted in her ears. However that was not the case for this particular morning. She rolled over in her bed to see the time and saw it was 7:00am she had an hour left before school started. This was very unusual for the teen seaming she was always in a to rush to get ready. "morning tiki" she yawned and saw her precious puppy laying on the end of the bed, tiki was rescued by Marinette she had a rare disease which made her fur a slight red with black spots. the brunette slid down her ladder and touched the cold wooden floor, heading into her bathroom. After she had a wash and brushed her teeth, marinette felt she should change up her style.

(ill show pics because I'm not good at describing ha)

marinette finished up her new look and went downstairs to the bakery, "hi mama, hi papa" she said in her sweet tone voice "morning sweetie it's a surprise to see you up this early " tom and sabine chuckled

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marinette finished up her new look and went downstairs to the bakery, "hi mama, hi papa" she said in her sweet tone voice "morning sweetie it's a surprise to see you up this early " tom and sabine chuckled. Thee blunette blushed and giggled. She grabbed a crosaint from behind the counter and kissed her parents on the forehead then said goodbye.

for the first time in ages Marinette walked to school taking her time as she still had 20 minutes. As she was walking towards the school a black limo drove past. 'Adrien...' marinette thought. The usual blacked out window was rolled down revealing the blonde boy. Marinette gave him a small smile, whilst he waved.when marinette arrived at school, she saw Alya and Nino holding hands walking up the steps. "hey guys!" Marinette shouted jogging to them, alya held her glasses down to the end on her nose "who is this? shes early? not tired? and looking so cute!" Alya said looking her up and down inspecting her. " haha very fun I just woke up early that's all" the three started chatting and started to head to class . In class nino was talking to adrien, then her turned in his seat "dudettes Mrs. bustier said she has a surprise for us all, so I wonder what that's about?" Adrien looked at Mari and shrugged showing his confusion about the subject. The group continued to try guess what the surprise is until the teacher came in.

marinettes pov

in class Mrs bustier had just taken a register of whos here. "ok class I have very exciting news we are going on a trip to China!" when she said that I felt my heart drop "this is a very significant trip the king himself has invited us to stay to his and attend the princesses birthday gala!" everyone looked so happy Alya elbowed me in the side saying "whats wrong girl didn't you grow up in China your gonna go home" she looked at me confused. I didn't want people to find out that was a princess because I didn't want them to treat me differently. I started to panic and my breathing picked up. I could stay in the classroom any longer. I grabbed my bag and was leaving the classroom "Marinette were are you going your in class!" the teacher said clearly angry "sorry Mrs. I have to go"I could tell the class was looking at me in confusion especially alya. I could hear the faint voice of Adrian " whats wrong with Marinette i thought she would be happy to back home?" I ran home to the bakery across the street, sneaking upstairs.

I sat down on my computer chair and pulled out my phone scrolling down my contacts till I got to a name...Marin. I pressed his name and it started to ring. "hey little sis how it going !" The boy said on the other end, surprised to hear from her " one your two minutes older than me so stop calling me little and two did you invite my class to our royal gala!" I shouted furiously "yeah I had to pick from schools around the globe with the best scores and yours just so happen to come up, it would be a great learning experience or you all" I took a deep breath and replied "Mar they don't know I'm a princess what will they think-" there was a voice in the background calling for the king "sorry sis i hate to cut this short , and to answer your question... they will think that you are an amazing talented princess" the comment made me feel some what better "thanks mar,I love you see you tomorrow"

And that my dudes, that was the first part of Marinette princess of China xx
Hope you enjoyed
Bye peaches

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