Panic rose in my chest when Daddy stepped inside of the house.  What in the world was he doing here!?  He smirked as he took a couple of steps towards me, and Grandma immediately leapt from her chair and stood in front of me.

"How did you get in here?"  She demanded, her fists clenching by her sides.

"You gave me a spare key years ago."  He said, holding a silver key in front of himself. 

Grandma narrowed her eyes at him.  "I told you not to show your face around here again, Victor.  You have a lot of nerve showing up."

The smirk on his face grew and he handed her the spare key.  "Relax, Ma.  I'm not here to cause any trouble."

"Then what do you want?"

Daddy started to answer her, until his eyes fell on Katherine.  "Well, now...who is this cute little girl?" He asked, winking his eye at her.

Katherine's body tensed and I protectively put my hand on her lap. She had listened to me talk about Daddy many times, and although I never told her about the murder she knew that he had hurt me on more than one occasion.

"Never mind her." Grandma said, stepping closer to him. "I asked you what you wanted."

"I have some news for the boy."

"News? What kind of news?" I asked, clasping my other hand over my chest. 

Daddy was silent for a few seconds, no doubt relishing the look of distress in my eyes; then he shrugged his shoulders and answered, "Oh, nothing serious.  Your mom is dead because she decided to blow her brains out last night."

"W-what....?" That was all I could say before I felt my entire body become numb. Mommy had come here yesterday evening to take me away with her, and I refused. My decision must have hurt her feelings so much that she killed herself. She was dead because of me!

"Oh, Vincent..." Katherine said, taking my hands into hers to try and comfort me.

I pulled away from her and mashed the palms of my hands against my temples.  My vision was becoming clouded with darkness, and the blaring sound of ringing echoed through my head. 

Grandma and Katherine were crying out to me, grabbing me and asking if I was alright, but their voices were distant.  My mind seemed to flee from my body, and I was staring down at myself, watching as I bolted up from the couch to begin wreaking havoc in the living room.

My anguished screams filled the room as I flipped over Grandma's coffee table, causing our chocolate chip cookies to fly everywhere.

"No!  Oh, God!  Mommy!!"  I wailed, running into the kitchen.  I grabbed two glass bowls and threw them against the wall, watching them shatter into hundreds of pieces. 

"Vincent, stop!" Grandma shouted, throwing her hands on her face.

I ignored her and continued to break every dish I could lay my hands on. Grandma looked over at Daddy and cried, "Victor, grab him before he destroys the entire house!"

Daddy crossed his arms over his chest, his mouth twisting into a grin.  "My hands are tied, Ma. You told me never to touch him again."

His smug attitude and lack of sympathy sent me into a full blown rage.  I grabbed five small steak knives from their holder and raised them in the air, gritting my teeth as I prepared to throw them at Daddy. He was going to pay!!

Everything that happened after that was a blur. My mind completely checked out of my body, and did not return until I found myself lying on the couch.  There was a cold wash rag on my head, and Grandma stood beside me with tears in her eyes. 

She rested a hand on my cheek and said, "Oh, Vincent.  I'm so sorry, baby."

Pain surged through my head as I tried to sit up.  I pinched my eyes shut and laid back down on the pillow underneath me.  " Daddy still here? Did I hurt him?"

"No." Grandma whispered, "We were able to stop you before you had a chance. You blacked out afterwards, and your father left. He took Katherine home."

"Oh God...I forgot all about Katherine.  She must think I'm-"

"Shhh.  Don't you worry about that right now."

She laid a blanket over me and planted a tender kiss on my forehead.  "Everything is going to be alright, baby.  Get some sleep and try not to think about what happened.  Things will be better tomorrow.  I promise."

But things didn't get better.

Things only got worse.

Much, much worse....


AN: Hey everyone! I just wanted to say I'm sorry for the long wait. Things have been busy lately. I hope you are all still enjoying the story! ❤️❤️

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