Chapter Five

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There, I finally got my fucking happy family story!

I grab the paper, ready to turn it over and relax with the last twelve minutes of my hour, grinning as I think about how happy I was when Mom and Dad scared the Mcallisters.

After word got out about what happened and how I would kill to keep my pockets full of cash, I never had to keep my head down again. Nobody bothered me, even the Mcallisters, who...later died when their truck's breaks failed...and Mom and Dad definitely didn't go out that previous night.

Goddamn it.

I crumble the now incriminating evidence and make sure it's illegible before throwing it directly in the trash.

Stressfully, I begin thinking of a new subject to quickly jot down. I could've just edited those other stories to make them appropriate, but I didn't want to take any risks with CPS creeping around occasionally.

I attempt to sort out my thoughts and memories, and decide on a story about how my parents met. It was off topic, but it might at least get me a C+.

Kane Wong was born and raised in New Asia during a time when the Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and countless other asian territories and cultures formed together into one country without borders or separate governments.

For some, the mixing of cultures was firmly protested and my father's Japanese Triad group known as The Tigers were no exception.

For years, they waged a crime spree to destroy other foreign groups and stand alone as the superior culture. The war was led by my paternal grandfather, a man known as Mujihina or "ruthless".

From the few stories I could find on him, his name was well earned as he was well known for what was called the "newborn rain incident".

Basically, hundreds of newborns from all the cultures were stolen and thrown off forty story rooftops to protest the cultural blending of New Asia's people. The witnesses of the incident described the streets as glowing red with blood.

The other thing my grandfather was known for was his aggressive style of karate, which he refused to blend with any other style of martial arts that were coming from the other cultures.

The style was very brutal and punishing, both to learn and practice. Nobody knew this better than my father who had been trained in the fighting style since he was able to walk.

He was also put personally in charge of training the other Tiger Triad members to be ruthless and uncaring as their leader.

With these resources, Mujihina oppressed the other cultures around him until he ran into The Mantis Clan, a merciless Chinese gang that had similar ideas about culture supremacy, that was led by an equally heartless man named Liuxue, or "bloodshed"...

...also known as my maternal grandfather.

The Mantis Clan was appropriately named due to its fighting style being a mixture of multiple styles of Praying Mantis Kung Fu, a martial art that was as deadly as it was beautiful.

The highest skilled practitioner or this art was Liuxue himself, followed by his daughter Caedmon, my mother.

Due to the high importance of having a son to pass down the clan to, Liuxue had been with twenty women, but my mother was the only child he could ever produce because of reproductive problems on his side.

Upon hearing that his sole successor was female, my grandfather flew into a rage and killed the doctor who delivered my mom and all twenty of his wives, including my grandmother.

My grandfather had picked a boy's name and refused to change it or treat his daughter any differently than a son. In fact, as she grew up and began developing physically, my mother was put through even more torturous training.

Soon, she was appointed as Liuxue's right hand, and under the command of the merciless father and daughter, the clan slaughtered as many as 30,000 citizens of Leefside before The Tiger and Mantis Clan ran into each other while simultaneously pillaging a local small town.

The tension in the air was cold and thick as both groups stared each other down, completely caught off guard by the others' presence.

Mujihina looked at Kane, and Liuxue looked at Caedmon, only to see the two of them rushing at each other, Caedmon with a Chinese broad sword and Kane with a Katana.

As if it was the cue they were all waiting for, the two groups engaged in an all out war, with several sharp projectiles being thrown through the air.

Skulls were being smashed in with hard hammer fists, throats and eyes were being torn out with Mantis hands, and at the center of it all were my grandfathers, fighting an unarmed battle for honor and control.

I can only imagine what the two of them must have looked like being my parents' teachers and both grand masters of their own styles, fighting to the death.

The story deviates into two versions here as both my mother and father have given me very conflicting accounts of the outcome.

Mom said that Liuxue drew his fingers across Mujihina's face, exploding his right eyeball, and when Dad rushed in to help, Mom used his emotional state to run my father through with her broadsword.

Dad said that Mujihina clawed across the side of Liuxue's neck, causing blood to spray across the already gory battlefield, and when Mom rushed in to help, Dad sensed her weakness and slit her stomach open with his katana.

Both of my parents have the scars to back up their stories, along with many other marks on their bodies, so it's impossible to know the true outcome of the Great Red Leef War.

However, the part of the story that is true is that when the fighting died down, and the only thing left were bodies and rubble, my parents both led each other into an abandoned building.

I don't know if it was out of mercy, to take the other hostage, or just wanting to sexually take out their anger on the other before they died, but when they both left that building, they parted, warning the other to stay out of their way.

They had no clue that they had just conceived something that would send them down the same path of life together.


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