My Sister's Keeper?

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Christopher's P.O.V.

"This little girl better be in my fucking car or we're gonna have problems." I said to myself. I got to my car and saw that Layla was no where to be found.

"Let me call this little girl... No answer. Where the fuck is this girl?" I said. I looked around and saw a black Escalade driving down the road.That seems strange. Let me call mom.

"Hey mommy..."

"What's up Chris? Can you make this quick?" My mom said, then I heard dad talking in the back.

"Umm... is Layla there?" I asked hesitantly.

"What did you do Chris?" she asked, sighing.

"I beat up her boyfriend, broke them up, and called her a bitch." I said, now regretting everything.

"I'm gonna let your father handle you. I can't believe you! How dare you call your sister that? As much as she loves you, you go and call her that! She respects everything you say, but you ARE NOT her father! Why did you break them up?" my mom said.

"Cause mommy! She's way too young to date! Plus it's Romelo! He's gonna take her virginity and leave her!" I said, trying to convince her.

"I knew they were together for the longest. He respects her decision to stay a virgin until 21 and he's waiting for her. Your father likes Romelo. He makes Layla happy. The only person they were hiding it from was you, because they knew you would act out. Now co- Get your ass home so I can deal with you. We're gonna have a long talk." My mom was cut off by my dad. He seems pissed.

I hung up and drove home. Pray for me.

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