Chapter VII: in which she goes carpool karaoke

Start from the beginning

"Are you?" He said from behind me. "Going out with him?"

"Hell no!" I turned around in time to hear Trevor sighing in relief. I narrowed my eyes at him and he turned away to take his seat. I took my place beside him. "Do you think I should?"

"If you want to." He was avoiding my eye. Why was everyone acting weird lately?

"I don't want to." I felt like I should reasure him. "Nothing is going to happen with him."

"Good." I wanted to ask him what he meant by that, but before I could the professor walked in.

The class was long and boring. I felt like jumping of a bridge already and I has another three classes left. Friday couldn't come fast enough.

My next class was on the third floor. Trevor walked me there because he had a free period.

"I forgot!" He suddenly exclaimed. "I can't drive you back. The coach moved our practice for today."

"Don't worry." I shrugged. "I can wait for you. I don't mind."

"It's two hours, Koda." He looked genuinely worried.

"Two hours of watching you suffer through football practice." I laughed. "Seriously, don't worry."

"Okay..." He still looked unsure.

"I'll see you later." I walked through the classroom's door.

The rest of my classes, just as the first one, passed by painfully slow. I finally finished at 2:30pm. Trevor usually had practice at 4:00, so he drives me back. I suppose it got moved to 3:00. Maybe it would be a good idea to bring my car from now on.

Spaulding Field, where the team practices, was close to Engineering. I could just head there and hope to find Trevor, but since we didn't agree on anything maybe he was around and we could walk there together.

I called him from one of the benches outside the building. He picked up the on the last ring. "Hey, I went ahead to get changed. I'll see you on the field."

"Oh, okay." I tried not to feel disappointed. What is wrong with me? Why would I be disappointed? "I'll see you in a bit."

I hung up and stood from the bench. Once I got to the field I found a nice shadowed place to seat. I took out my notebook and laptop from my bag. Might as well get some homework done. I wonder why I didn't just ask someone for a drive. I could've also went to the library to finish my homework while Trevor practices.

I was so deep in though that I don't notice Trevor until he called my name.

"Dakota!" It felt weird when he called me that. He usualy went by 'Koda'. He came up with it when we were watching Bother Bear. Most people call me 'Dakota' or 'Kota', but Trevor said that none of those felt right. When he told me that on freshman year in high school I felt insulted. This new guy I met like two days ago is telling my that my name basicly sucks. Anyways, he said he was going to find the perfect name for me. We were watching Bother Bear and since then I'm Koda. I never really asked him why that name, I just assumed it was because it's similar to Kota. Later on, the nickname helped me get over my little crush. He came up with it watching Brother Bear.

"I got you a hotdog." He sat beside me offering me one. As he said, he changed into his training gear.

"The road to my heart." I dramaticaly put a hand to my chest before taking the hotdog.


"What?" I managed between bites.

"I have to go now." He pointed to the field. I nodded and he jogged away.

For an hour I worked on my assignments, not paying attention to whatever was going on around me. When I grew bored, I closed my laptop and decided to watch the guys. Trevor was all sweaty, his shirt was soaked. He had to run avoinding organge cones and then catch the ball Matt sent. He took turns with the other recivers. I watched him finish his drill and walk back in line. I was about to go back to my notebook when Trevor took off his shirt. My yaw dropped. It quite literaly dropped.

As he pulled it up, his abs come into view. I didn't know where to look. The perfect abs comming on display or the way he flexed his arms to take it off. My brain processed it in slow motion. A crazy, or sane, part of me worried about sunburn. I managed to close my mouth just in time. Trevor looked my way, smiled and waved. My heart made funny things in my chest. I waved back and looked away. I didn't dare to look back up again.

When practice finished, Trevor came find me, with a shirt thankfuly. "I just have to take a shower, but we can go grab something to eat after."

"Yes, please." I almost begged. "I'm starving."

"Tell me about it." He grinned and turned away.

We went to McDonald's. Not the healthiest thing in the planet but calories are important for energy and stuff. I was so hungry I could eat a cow, even after the hotdog. I didn't know how Trevor managed to train with no food. Yes, if he ate before practice he would probably throw up but you need energy to work out.

"I want a... BBQ Bacon." I went ahead an ordered first, looking at the options behind the cash register.

"Anything else, cute stuff?" The guy was around our age. He was hot and well built, just not quite like Trevor.

"A coke and cone, please." I smiled brightly.

"Anything for the lady." He winked and turned to Trevor. "For you?"

He came forward and placed an arm around my shoulders. I leaned into him out of instinct. "Double Quarter Pounder, Cheeseburger, Sprite and apple pie."

"That would be $18.49." McDonalds guy stated. I was taking out a $10 but Trevor beats me to it.

"I got it." He smiled.

"Thanks." I smiled back. "My treat next time."

We waited for our food a few minutes. Trevor suggested we eat at the car where there are no kids running around. Not that we hated kids or anything. It's just nice to eat peacefuly.

"I was thinking we could do something tomorrow." Trevor started. "I have my game on Saturday and coach canceled football practice tomorrow."

"What do you have in mind?" I managed between bites.

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Filler chapter, but we get to see a little more of Dakota am Trevor's relationship.

What do you think? Should Dakota call Jake?

A. L. Pecka

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