Chapter Two

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"I spy with my little eye..."

Joe groans aloud as Matthew states those dreaded words.

Beside me, Bentley grins, knocking our knees together. Not for the first time, I need to remind myself that he's in a steady, committed relationship with three other men. I don't know why the thought hurts so bad.

Next to Bentley, squished against the door, is Sidney. We picked him up from the bakery half an hour ago. Without Heather. Which Bentley angrily protested and cried about, but his - sister? - seemed adamant.

"They don't know where I live," she said over the phone, "and frankly, I feel safer without you and your band of monkeys. I have Pinkie and Pearl, Betty, I'll be fine."

I didn't remind her of how unhelpful her dogs were the first time we found her. I didn't want to talk to her, really. Not after our last encounter. Not that I blame the dogs for attacking me. I am the person they saw with Branson and Clyde when they hurt Blake and Heather - their master.

I guess I'm no better than a dog.

"Something... the colour of..." Matthew hums behind the wheel, making an exaggerated show of looking around. My stomach tightens and I force myself to swallow any soft noises of laughter before I embarrass myself. "Blue."

"The sky!" Bentley grins but the look falls when Matthew shakes his head. A frown mars Bentley's face as he huffs, squinting at the boring environment outside the car.

"Let me guess... Bentley's eyes," Joe drawls from the passenger seat.

Matthew shakes his head again and I glance at Bentley. He owns a beautiful pair of sky blue eyes. I wish mine were that colour, bright and alive. Instead, I'm stuck with... well, a muddy blue that is too alike the deepest trenches in the ocean. Nothing spectacular.

I glance back out the window. There isn't much blue besides the sky. Everything else is varying shades of green and brown; grass and dirt. Occasionally we drive past sheep, cows or horses.

There's really no other blue besides—

"Not Bentley's eyes," Matthew says.

Bentley grabs my shoulders seconds later, turning me bodily around. I blink in surprise, panic clawing up my throat but I quickly shove it down.

Bentley's excitement seeps into my bones and I bite my lip, forcing a smile. Honestly, nothing is more contagious than someone else being happy, especially Bentley. The man shows his emotions wholly and I... I envy it.

"Charlie's eyes! Charlie's eyes, definitely."

My eyebrows jump. What? My eyes?

Joe twists in his seat and Sidney leans forward. They both grin, wicked and beautiful. My cheeks burn and I duck my head, but I can still feel them watching me. I try to slip away from Bentley's touch, to turn around and look out the window again, but he doesn't release me.

"Am I right, Matt?"

Matthew hums under his breath," Perhaps."

Bentley laughs, loud and with his whole body. Warmth floods me from his touch and, for the first time in years, Branson and Clyde slip completely from my mind.

Bentley consumes my thoughts as I stare at him. His cheeks are pink and stretched over a smile. My heart skips a beat as my gaze flickers to his lips.

No, Charlie. I internally curse, swallowing thickly and tugging my arm from his grip. I distract myself on the world flying by and try to ignore the thoughts in my head.

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