Belle Reve Penitentiary

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Belle Reve Penitentiary
May 9

"Amber," Batman said loudly from beside me, searching for my sister in the prison cafeteria.

She looked up, away from the food she was picking at, and saw me and Batman standing at the entrance of the cafeteria. Icicle Jr., who was sitting beside her, whispered something in her ear.

She shivered and shoved him away, standing up. "I'm Amber"

"Come with me"

All the other inmates started whispering, talking about how she was going with the Dark Knight and sister, wherever we were taking her. A bunch of rumours were starting to spread already.

"You were on a job too, why weren't you tossed into prison?" She asks me with narrowed eyes.

I open my mouth but Batman answers for me. "She has been under house arrest for the past month"


"Sis, you know how much I hate this life, how I want to do something good, but you or some other villain would always draw me back in. He offered me a chance to change, I took it"

We walked through the hallways in silence, the only noise was from the other inmates, our footsteps, and the rhythmic beeping of my sister's collar. Batman led us to an interrogation room where Amber sat down on one side of the table.

"You're being released, on account of good behaviour," he told her, standing on the other side of the table.

"I'm getting out of here? I've only been in here for like a month though," Amber commented.

"You'll be under the watch of someone at all times. You haven't done anything that makes you deserve to be in this prison. You helped Ivy get away with a serum that makes plants grow more quickly, which was retrieved"

"That's what that did?" She asks.

"You're still a villain, but you'll be guarded to make sure you don't do anything to make you land back in here"

"You're giving me the chance to be good?"

"I want us to be on the same, good, side for once," I tell her.

"I'm giving you the chance to choose the right side. To be like your sister. For the month you have been here I can see you don't belong around the other criminals," Batman says.

"But I've done wrong"

"A wrong can always be replaced by a right"

"I want this, honestly, I've always felt out of place working with Ivy. But what if it doesn't work? It's not easy to convert from one life to another," she asks.

"I did it," I say.

"That's why we're going to keep an eye on you. We'll keep you in line, long enough to make you do good and stay good. If you step out of line, show any criminal tendency, you're back in this prison"


She was given her clothes to change into but the collar remained around her neck. They only removed it once we were in front of the door that would open and set her free.

"I don't want to hear of any trouble caused by you," the warden told her, blocking the door.

"No trouble from me sir," Amber says.

He nods. "Good, now get out"

Batman brought us towards a back alley once we had walked into town. An old telephone booth was hidden away in the dark corner.

"Wait, I need to get my things from the house," Amber says.

"Everything that belonged to us in that house was moved to the Cave," I tell her.

Batman told us to step in. We did and found ourselves teleporting to the Hall of Justice, their not so secret hideout. It was just a giant room with books on bookshelves lining each wall, some couches in the middle. Batman came out of the teleporter after me and my sister.

"Don't touch anything"

"Why bring me here?" Amber asks.

"You're going to meet the team that'll be watching you"

Amber's eyebrows scrunch together. "So, it isn't the members of the Justice League watching us?"

"They have other things to do"

He went up to a holographic computer that popped up out of nowhere, typing in some location.

"What is that?" Amber asks, looking at the teleporter that was glowing white.

"It's called a zeta-tube"


We stepped through it and ended up in a cave, a computer like the one he was just on floating in the middle of the room. Someone, a robot called Red Tornado, was typing on it. Sidekicks were standing around him, watching, until they heard the sound of us walking through the zeta tube.

"Batman, 02," the computer said. "Amber, A08, Snow A09"

"What is she doing here?" Robin asked, ready to pounce at Amber.

"Did she break out?" The green skinned girl asks.

"No," Batman replies simply. "Your next mission is to keep an eye on her"

"Not that I'm complaining, but why?" Kid Flash asks.

Batman explains to them how they will be watching us, making sure we don't get into trouble, and how Amber hadn't done anything wrong to deserve to be in prison. Plus, he added, they were trying to get her on the good side. Not his exact words.

"So we're babysitting?" Robin asks, sounding very unenthusiastic.

"This isn't babysitting Robin, we're guarding a criminal," Aqualad says.

"Yes. I don't want to hear of any trouble from Red Tornado. That goes for all of you," Batman says.


"Robin, do as I say"

Robin sighed but crossed his arms. Batman left and we were all left standing in the giant room. The green girl came up to us, a giant smile on her face. She had shoulder length red hair, red eyes with freckles underneath and wore the same symbol Martian Manhunter wore on her white shirt.

"I'm Miss Martian, M'gann, but you can call me Megan," she says to Amber. I had already met them all.

"Amber, no secret identity or anything," Amber introduces.

"You already know me babe, but the name is Wally West," Kid Flash said, speeding over to her and wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

"Remove the arm before I break it," She tells him.

He does, backing away from her, and Aqualad comes over, a hand out for her to shake, which she took and shook. "Aqualad. My name is Kaldur'ahm, but you can call me Kaldur"

He turned around, looking at the other two expectantly. Two grouchy looking kids stood with arms crossed, looking away from the conversation. One of them was Robin with his black hair and mask. The other was a black haired and blue eyed boy wearing Superman's symbol on his black shirt. Aqualad sighed.

"This is Robin, his identity is a secret. And that is Superboy"

Freezing Achromatic (Robin/Dick x OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang