Chapter one: A fateful encounter

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  • Dedicated to You. Thx for reading!

Note: My work is copyrighted. If you plagiarize, (if my work is found anywhere else in any form whatsoever), you will be in serious trouble, as it is against the law. Caution yourself. Please report immediately if this happens. Thank you for your understanding.

A white orb in the sky radiates warmth throughout the forest, rays of light scattering on the green foliage. I can feel the hard earth beneath me, every footstep pounding against the rich, brown soil. My body breathes; my legs pump. Right. Left. Right. Left.

Almost there.

In every corner, shaggy undergrowth sprouts; in between the rocks, climbing up the trees, sneaking through the forest.

As I run, a giant gulp full of oxygen enters my body, reviving every nerve and wire, my whole body alert. Alive.

My heartbeat become steady, my eyes closing for the slightest moment to enjoy the crisp, autumn breeze. I could just pull out my camera, snap a shot, and relive the moment forever.

That is, until a certain boy enters the picture. Literally.

A lean figure crashes straight into me, his strong, muscular body sending me sprawling across the floor, and landing on top of me.

It was like receiving several blows to the body with a hammer. My body screamed with agony, feeling fresh and raw as if it had just come out of an oven. My hands slide painfully into the soil, and the world seems to spin too fast. My eyes take a moment to adjust to a pair of dark blue eyes, flitting mischievously.

"Oh... Sorry," the boy says, giving me a devilish grin. Obviously, not very sorry.

He didn't look the slightest bit pained. In fact, it was almost as if he enjoyed it, like one would enjoy a roller coaster.

I glare at the boy with my most menacing stare, breathing in shakily. Who does he think he is?!

"What the hell were you thinking?!" I shout fiercely. All the nerves in my body were set on edge, as if they were on fire, and I had to close my eyes to prevent the world from swimming in my vision.

When I opened them, I noticed that the wide, mischievous grin on his face had faltered slightly. I seriously doubted he was concerned for my health. But even so... I couldn't help but notice the slight crinkle in his brow, barely conspicuous, and gone in a flash.

My eyes hover over his entire face, noticing the boy's tousled, jet-black hair that stuck out in different directions.

I turn my attention once more to his face to find a pair of dark-blue eyes. I felt my stomach clench.

The boy stands up, brushing stray dirt off of him.

I tried to stand up as well, using my hands for support. But, I felt a biting pain across my palms as I tried to stand up. I look down and gasp loudly. My fingers, all ten of them, were red and scraped!!

The pain was equivalent to a thousand needles in my skin. Hell, it was felt like a thousand knives piercing my skin! I bit on my lip to prevent the tears from collecting.

"Are you done?" The boy says crudely.

I inhale deeply, trying not to burst into flames.

"You're an idiot, you know that?" I explode, my fingers curling into fists.

The black-haired boy smirks. "I'm well aware."

"A-and..You crashed straight into me!" I seethed.

The boy grins, clearly amused. "Go on."

"And you don't seem the slightest bit sorry!" I yell in frustration, holding up my raw hands. Tears prickled my eyes, threatening to fall. I blink them away. Was I seriously crying over a boy who wasn't worth my tears? I willed myself to not let a single tear escape.

"Oh that's too bad," the boy remarks, giving me a sideways glance, starting to walk in the opposite direction.

I sniff indignantly, my pride diminishing into a pile of nothingness. I stomp over to him, grabbing his arm roughly.

"Apologize," I say boldly. The boy was clearly taken aback, but he replaced his astonishment with a sneer.

"Nope." The boy scoffs, yanking his arm from my iron-grip. My jaw was clenched in anger as I thought, He crashes straight into me, doesn't apologize and, on top of that, acts like cocky bastard!

"Excuse me?" I say harshly, placing one hand on my hip.

"You heard me. Now, leave me alone," he snaps, giving me a sarcastic smile. Before I knew it, he stormed off, leaving me to gawk at him like an idiot.

"Hey!" I yell after him, "COME BACK HERE!...We're not done with this conversation!"

Panting, I arrive at his side. He whips around, wearing a stupid smirk on his face, one of his eyebrows cocked upwards. A challenge. Oh it's on.

"Now listen, bastard," To my pleasure, he winces slightly at his new nickname, "You don't get to purposely crash straight into me and walk away like it isn't your fault! Apologize, now!" I was fighting the urge to let loose a few colorful words.

"And if I don't?" He asked, a bit too sweetly, his face inches from mine. His stormy eyes glared straight through me, and an undeniable shiver ran up my spine. I gulped, but managed to deliver my next words with the same sickly sweet venom.

"Hmm...then I'll kick your ass."

"Fine, sweetheart." The boy sneers, "I'm sorry."

I cross my arms across my chest, waiting for more of an apology. But it didn't come.

He winks at my annoyance, and my heart races. Sure, he was cute. But not cute enough to earn my forgiveness.

Suddenly, the boy turns around, hands in pockets, and walks away.

"HEY!" I hollered after him. I didn't know why, but I wanted to know his name... Somehow, he managed to intrigue me, without saying more than ten words. I couldn't help but notice the slight, omniscient glint in his blue-grey eyes. As if he knew something I didn't... and frankly, it was pissing me off.

The boy pauses, and suddenly whirls around to face me.

"Ace Blais." It was as if he read my mind.

The end of his lips turn up into a sort of bad boy half-smile. There were a few seconds of silence as I let it sink in. Ace Blais. Wow. For a moment, our eyes locked. All I could think of was his name, ringing in my head like a peal of bells.

"See you around, Shields."

I remained rooted to the ground, mouth slightly ajar.

And I hadn't even told him my name. . .

Heeeeeeyyyyyyyy :)

Just wanted to tell you: My goal is 1 million views for one of my stories, and I know together, we can make it happen!
I take my writing very seriously, so he sure to give me feedback PEEPS.
Hope you enjoyed that little fight!!
Vote if you loved Ace...
And if you can sense the beginning of a love story... Yeah, not yet :)
** feel free to help me edit

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