The Jetset Life is Gonna Kill You

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"It's time." As I threw the last of my clothes in my suitcase, my mom poked her head through my door.

My room was almost un-recognizable.

The posters, bed spread, and dresser had been wiped clean of all of my belongings, almost as if I was never here at all.

Zipping my suitcase shut a final time, I slung my leather backpack over my shoulder and followed her down the stairs.

"We'll miss you!" My dad attempted a sympathy hug, but I wasn't up for it.

"If you would actually miss me you wouldn't be sending me there in the first place." I broke away and stared at both of them.

"This is what's best for you." Mom tried again.

"Whatever." Grumbling, I plopped down next to my suitcase on the stairs.

I could feel my parents eyeing up my outfit disapprovingly.

Black ripped skinny jeans, black Converse and an Anthrax tee.

What was wrong with that?

"Let's go." My dad announced, signaling for us to follow him out to the car.

The whole ride to the airport was hell.

Bitter, absolute hell.

Halfway there I'd stuck in my earphones to drown out their either praising the school, or denouncing me.

"We're here." The car pulled up next to the airport entrance.

Of course they didn't care enough to actually go inside.

"Bye." Was all I said.

My hands white knuckled the door as I jarred it open, carefully climbing out and slamming it behind me.

As I moved around to the back, lifting my suitcase out of the trunk, my mind drifted.

My friends had been in complete shock as I called each one of them up to tell them the news.

They're reactions had been a mix of slight anger and disappointment. Figures, they didn't really care about me anyway. I was just someone who fit the same stereotype the did, so naturally we grouped together.

But Patrick surprised me.

He'd seemed genuinely sad, like there was something he wanted to admit but couldn't bring himself to do it.

Or maybe I'm just reading too deep into this cute little, hat wearing new kid.

Yeah that's right. I called him cute.

Well he definitely was, there was no denying it.

There goes another thing that was now being blown to pieces by my parents rash decisions.

Walking through the terminal, suitcase in tow, I felt a number of eyes on me. Watching my every move as if I was a wanted criminal.

Airport security feels like you're constantly under a microscope.

Even though it was obvious that I wasn't trying to bomb the plane, I still felt paranoid that they were going to find something that wasn't even there.

Breathing a sigh of relief as we boarded, I fell back into the seat.

Many of the old people and parents near me gave me looks of disdain similar to those of my parents.

Of course, someone like me didn't exactly fit in on a plane that was heading to New Jersey anyway.

Seats around me were occupied by people of (or thought they were of) social prominence.

I scoffed silently, if they were actually half as important as they think they are they would be up in first class.

"Now departing O'Hare airport, expected arrival time for Newark Int., New Jersey is an hour and thirty minutes." A monotone female voice came over the speaker system.

"Preparing for take off," she continued and the 'Seat belts On" sign began to flash.

Unraveling my earphones, I sighed, letting the sounds of Blink-182 surround me as the plane continued to take me away from everything I'd ever known.

And closer to what was sure to be my biggest downfall.

Three Cheers for Sweet RevengeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora