The Isle of the Lost: Jane's Second Year Part II (Carlos)

Start from the beginning

Won't it have been smarter to put him inside an empty classroom or just take him with, so he didn't get into any more trouble? Then again, he volunteered to live on the Isle, who did that?

So, the three of them passed the time talking about various things until Mal arrived at the scene looking for both Jay and Jane, "What in the world!?"

"Hey Mal, wanna join in?" Jay jokes and half an hour later find the four of them still stuck together when Yen Sid finally comes back, "Oh dear," He looks to the small bottle in his hand before saying, "I don't think this is enough for all of you."

So, in all of his wisdom, he leaves them alone again to go and brew more.

Sometimes Jane thought adults were stupid.

Finally, after spending a good few hours stuck together in a very strange and uncomfortable position for most of them especially poor Carlos the four were free and as soon as Mal got her hands back she smacked Jay upside the head, "I can't believe you did that!" Jane laughs, "I can." The purple haired girl glares and huffs before taking off only to stop mid-way, "Aren't you coming?"

She was looking at Jane, but Jay was quick to tag along but not without grabbing onto Carlos first and making him come along as well.

After that day it was rare to not see the four of them together or at least some combination of the four.


A few days into Carlos joining the gang he found out about Jane's magic, "That's so cool and kind of scary, what can you do with it?" Jane shrugs and tries to downplay it as Mal's around and likely to be hurt, "Small things, light candles, float stuff, it's not that useful."

"So how come it works inside of the barrier?" Jane had an idea given that her mother's magic powered the barrier, but she didn't want anyone to know that after all, it was better that way. "Not sure."

Mal joins in then, "Her magic is fairy magic too we're both half-fairies," She tells the youngest boy proudly before continuing, "but somehow it's different than mine, one day though when the barrier is destroyed I'll be able to perform magic as well," She turns to look at Jane, "once that happens my magic will become the strongest."

Jane doesn't argue, despite her learning how to use her magic and practicing whenever she could it wasn't like she wanted to learn it, to be powerful... she only did it because she had no other choice, still, it was a slightly sore spot for Mal and Jane's relationship.

Carlos looks back and forth between the two girls and as if sensing the tension pulls the conversation away from magic, "You really think the barrier will come down one day?" Mal rounds on the boy, "Of course it will, we won't be stuck here forever."

Carlos smiles, "That'd be nice..." Jay throws an arm around the other boy, "Yeah imagine how much stuff they've got to loot out there!" The De Vil kid laughs, "I just wanna see what kind of technology they have, I mean there's something called Wi-fi and-" Before he can get into what Jay dubbed as nerd talk the boy tackles him and the two start to wrestle.

Jay was going easy on the smaller boy but having just as much fun, Jane knew that he appreciated having another boy around to ruff-house with.

Even after a few days, it felt like Carlos belonged with the three of them.


It was eleven months into Jane's second year when she finally got the answer to how well or rather unwell Cruella treated kids especially her own, it wasn't a surprise to find out that Carlos had an awful mom.

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