[Izuku Midoriya x Reader] Hero pt. 2

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A part two was requested by @daddyroki I hope y'all enjoy

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A part two was requested by @daddyroki I hope y'all enjoy

Sure, how you two met was a little cliché, but somehow, you two started dating. You knew from the beginning that there were going to be some challenges due to the fact he was a pro hero, but you didn't realise just how so until your two year anniversary.

Izuku had gotten called in for an emergency. You didn't mind; he was the number one hero after all, and you were proud to call him your boyfriend. So, if that meant having to let him miss the evening of your anniversary, you were more than willing to let him go. 

So there you sat, wrapped snugly in a blanket as you watched the news. Suddenly, however, the reporter spoke.

"The villain has been captured and contained, but the number one hero, Deku, is being rushed to the hospital to receive treatment for his injuries. First-responders say it's unclear how severe the injuries are, but they're pretty sure he'll pull through."

Not waiting for the reporter to finish, you leapt from the couch, slipped on your shoes, and rushed out of the house. After arriving at the hospital, you immediately went to the front desk, "I'm here to see my boyfriend. He was taken here with severe injuries. I-I need to see him."

You didn't realise until then, but tears were flowing down your cheeks.

"Miss calm down," spoke the receptionist soothingly, "What's the patients name?"

"M-Midoriya, Izuku Midoriya," you answered, choking a little your tears.

"He's still in operation, you'll have to wait at least an hour before you can visit him."

"A-an hour?! At least?!" you shouted.

The receptionist gave you a look of pity, "I'm sorry miss, but that's the way it is. His room number is 451. I'll let you know as soon as you can go see him, but for now please take a sit."

You nodded your head slowly and trudged to the nearest chair. You sat, holding your head in your hands. You couldn't help but cry. You were worried; you didn't know what you'd if he didn't make it. But, your mother raised you right. You were polite. You cried quietly to yourself, not taking out your intense emotions on anyone else.

Time seemed to flow like molasses on a cold day, but eventually, the receptionist informed you that you could go see him.

"He'll probably be sleeping, but you can go to his room," she explained.

You nodded and quickly manoeuvred through the hospital halls to room 451. Once you found it, you quietly pushed the door open. You stepped in and nearly bumped into the doctor.

"Ah my apologies," he said, "You must be Y/n? He kept saying your name. Something about apologising. He's asleep right now, but press that button when he wakes up."

"Thank you," you said.

"I'll give you two some privacy," nodded the doctor before leaving the room.

You immediately pulled a chair beside the bed. You sat down and stroked his sleeping face. Fresh tears began to silently slide down your cheeks. You stayed with him all night, eventually falling asleep; your head rested on his stomach. Sometime around midnight, he shifted, and his heavy eyelids slowly opened.

"Y/n?" he croaked.

You lifted your head up before gently touching his cheek with your hand, "Izu..."

"I'm so sorry I ruined our anniversary," he said.

"Oh Izu, I don't care about that. I'm just glad my hero is safe," you answered.

His eyes flickered to your cheeks where he noticed the tear stains, "I'm sorry I made you cry."

"It's not your fault I cried, Izu. It's a reaction in the brain, no big deal," you smiled softly.

There was a moment of comfortable silence before you spoke again, "I'm supposed the to tell the doctors you're awake. They'll probably want to run a couple tests. I'll be sitting just outside, okay?"

He nodded as you pressed the button.

"I love you Iz-"

"Wait," he called.

You hummed in response.

He spoke quietly, "I have a surprise for you when I get out, okay? I was supposed to give it to you earlier, but..."

"I'm sure it's wonderful, Izu. Now, I'll be just outside the room."


By the time morning came, the doctors declared he was fine to go home. You drove him to his house and walked him inside.

"Now wait on the couch," Midoriya directed, "and keep your eyes closed. I'll go get your surprise."

A few minutes later, you heard his voice come from in front of you, "Okay, open your eyes."

"Surprise," he said quietly as your eyes fluttered open.

Your eyes widened in shock; he was down on one knee with a box in his hand. He slowly opened the box, revealing a simple ring.

"Y/n L/n, will you marry m-"

He didn't get to finish his question as you lurched forward, tackling him in a hug, and pulled him into a kiss.

"I-is that a yes?" he asked hesitantly.

You smiled, "Yes."

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