[Shouta Aizawa x Reader] 6:59 pt. 1

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Hope you enjoy @NaomiLockheart21  !

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Hope you enjoy @NaomiLockheart21  !

Year One

It was your first year at UA You usually didn't make friends that easily, due to your blunt nature, but you had somehow managed to do it. You had first befriended a lazy boy named Shouta Aizawa. You had then become friends with Hizashi Yamada due to him being friends with Aizawa. You were a trio, although, you did prefer to be in Aizawa's presence over Yamada's. You just got along better with the black haired boy.

Year Two

About half way through your second year at UA, you realised something, something big. You noticed the increase in your heart rate around him, the need to spend time with him. You realised you had a crush on your best friend, Shouta Aizawa. Thankfully, your typical stoic behaviour worked in your favour as you were able to hide your emotions well. You wanted to tell him, but you didn't know how. Not to mention there was the possibility of him rejecting you. Him and Yamada were your only real friends, so you couldn't risk it. 

Alas, you didn't tell him.

Year Three

You were graduating this year. You still hadn't told him, but you had confided in Yamada. As much of loudmouth as he may seem, he was good at being there for you to vent to. He never told anyone your secret, which you were grateful for. You desperately wanted to tell Aizawa, but you kept it bottled up. People usually have tells when they're nervous or lying or what not, but you didn't. No one suspected a thing.

Graduation Day

"HEEYYY Y/N! SHOUTA!" yelled Hizashi in greeting, "We're officially no longer students!"

You nodded, giving him one of your rare little smiles, "Yeah."

"I want to take a nap," stated Aizawa, his voice laced with boredom.

"Ah, actually, before you two go, there's something I need to tell you both," You interjected, "I received an offer to go abroad for a while as a hero, and well, I accepted."

Yamada exclaimed, "Wow! That's great!"

Aizawa's eyebrows furrowed, "Yeah, great, whatever. Why didn't you tell us before now?"

"Well, I didn't want to worry you with it until I had made my decision," you answered simply.

"We could have helped you make such a big decision," he countered.

You straightened your back and replied curtly, "It wasn't your decision to make."

"Hey! Stop fighting, you two," said Yamada in an attempt to defuse the situation.

Aizawa crossed his arms and looked away. You instantly recognised it as guarding behaviour. He hadn't done this since you first met him. You scoffed and were about to turn and leave when the black haired male asked, "When do you leave?"

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