[Eijirou Kirishima x Reader] Boop

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"Boop~" you said as you poked your boyfriend, Kirishima, on the nose. You quickly squirmed out of his grasp, desperately scrambling through his house to find a hiding spot. 

This was a game you two liked to play. You would go back and forth bopping each other on the nose and saying boop. Usually it started out as playful fun, but became very competitive. You were currently hiding in the broom closet. You heard Kirishima's heavy footsteps thump past, and let out a breath you didn't realise you were holding. Suddenly, the door was opened and there stood Kirishima.

"Boop!" he exclaimed as he poked you on the nose.

"NO!" you cried before sprinting after him.

You managed to tackle him just before he ran into his bedroom.

"BOOP!" you yelled.

You hurried to your feet and dashed into his bedroom, slamming the door in his face. Immediately after, the door was wrenched open and Kirishima was running full speed at you. Silently thanking your parents for those years they made you take gymnastics, you ran and back flipped off the wall, landing on the other side of the red head. Unfortunately for you, he quickly swerved around. Although he tripped over himself in the process, he managed to fall on top of you. You wiggled and squirmed in a desperate attempt to get him off of you, but he was too heavy. He pinned you to the ground, smirking in victory. 

You pouted before smiling yourself, "How're you gonna bop my nose if your hands are pinning me down?"

He chuckled before giving you a peck on the nose and whispering, "Boop."

A/N: lmao that was really short but fluffy.

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