Days go by

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"Why the fuck can deku leave so god damn early?!!" The roaring voice of Katsuki Bakugo surfaced the final period of the day. Most of Class-1A  were more jealous than curious now as to why their classmate can leave early with Kota.

Its being a week already since Izuku showed up with the PussyCats kid along with the change in schedule. Lunch then when school ends, it had only became a recent occurrence.

Kota got to know each of the Class one-A students. One group of people that Kota couldn't find himself talking to was the girls of Izuku's class. The thought back during the summer in the steamy hot bathes was to much for the young child.

Though there are the ones that Kota instantly started to feel distaste for and it wasn't because of the hero goal. Katsuki Bakugo, a loud, short tempered, and foul language using idiot that really annoyed the young child to unimaginable heights. It did not help that he would always get upset when anything had to do with Izuku. Always referring the temporary guardian as 'Deku' or 'useless' just dug the hole deeper.

Only once had Kota brought up why Katsuki and Izuku were on such off terms. Izuku explained that that how he is. Later on the child realized that it wasn't just Izuku that he yelled at but anyone who got on his nerves. Throwing out nicknames of certain classmates such as 'Half-an-Half' or 'round face'. Honestly to the kid, the blonde hero in training was starting to get on his nerves.

"Hey Izuku?"

"Yes Kota?"

The first name basis came around the third day as the child did not want not address Izuku as nothing when they talk. Izuku on the other hand, he used the first name with Kota since day one so there wasn't any noticeable changes.

"Can I call my aunt?"

"Sure thing, here you go."

Kota looked up at Izuku as they were sitting down in a empty cafeteria. Izuku paused drinking his water to reach for his phone. Going through the contact list which was fairly small. He found Kota's requested contact.

'Mandalay'. Pressing the name on the touch screen to have the phone ringing for the other line to answer. Izuku handed the device to Kota who put it up to his ear.

With Mandalay, her team just finished rescuing a couple of people in a burning building. Granted the team was still recovering from the damaged Ragdoll. She had become quirkless when the villains abducted her during the summer camp raid. Thanks to the leader of the league of villains, her power 'search' was taken away.

Shino Sosaki, a pro hero and leader of a three(formally four) man team was talking to the police officers. Reporting in on any victims of the fire and who may be injured, missing, and deceased. Fortunately there where no casualties, otherwise just a few minor injuries some civilians had attain.




Shino excuses herself from the police officer and made her way to a spot where she can answer without much background noise.


She did not looked at the contact name of who was calling her. Given the exhaustion of just finishing the task. Her mental thinking wasn't yet up par yet as her physical readiness. Shino didn't expect her own nephew from calling her.

"'s me."

Her once hardened and focus eyes softened at the sound her only family member.

"Kota? I haven't heard from you all week. How is U.A.?"

It was true that her own nephew did not contact her by any means. She did trust U.A. to not worry about the safety of its students but this was her only family member who is no older than six. It did comfort her a bit knowing that he called her.

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